Confidential Assignment - 30

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A/N: We're almost done with this story. =) For this chapter, parts italicised are flashbacks.

Some parts are suggestive so please proceed with caution.


Not having Baek Jang-mi around for two weeks had very little benefit. 

Min Tae Gu couldn't sleep well because he missed her scent in bed and having her to hug as they fell asleep. He didn't feel like cooking because he missed seeing her reactions to the food he makes and he found that he now disliked eating alone. Going out was a chore that gave him a break from the quiet at home, but then heading back felt sad and coming home to a dark, empty place made his heart heavier.

If there was one good thing, though, he now had time to execute some of his plans for them. In the moment where he wasn't looking out for her discreetly, he managed to assess the papers to his business, property and finances. Once he decided what to do, which he hoped would be acceptable to Jang-mi, he decided to make a call.

"Guten Tag, Mr. Min, great to hear from you again. It's been awhile."

Min Tae Gu rolls his eyes. He never had the patience for the small talk of polite society. "Guten Tag, Herr Weber. I'm calling about my account with your bank."

"Yes, of course. How can I help?" 

"I no longer travel often so I was thinking of closing it. Zurich is quite far to transact with for my regular needs and I do business in Seoul nowadays," Min Tae Gu stated.

The Relationship Manager was heard shuffling papers on his side of the call. "Oh, I'm sure we could find a way to make it easier to transact. We have bank partners in your country." The bank executive then spent the next few minutes discussing Min Tae Gu's options.

"The bank here has the same security for safety deposit boxes?" Min Tae Gu inquired. He was assured the security was as good as the one in Zurich. "Good. Then, I think that will work for me. Can we work on the papers when your colleague arrives here in the coming days?"

"Let me arrange it with him." Before the call ended, "Mr. Min, I have to caution you as well. We've noticed attempts to access your account. You may need to change your details soon to continue to keep it secure."

"I understand," Min Tae Gu said. "By the way, before I forget, I left diamonds on a different bank vault, correct? Is there a way you could arrange that I get it as well?"

Once the details were clear, they ended the call only for another call to come in at once. "Agent Kim," Min Tae Gu greeted.

"Min Tae Gu, we received intel that one of your former associates in your firearms dealings entered Switzerland and is communicating with a gang here. We're not certain of things yet but we think you're the target. Be careful alright?" the agent informed him.

"Thank you, Agent Kim. I'll be careful."


Min Tae Gu woke up to see their hands clasped together, Baek Jang-mi still asleep with a frown on her forehead. Trying to smooth the creases that showed her worry, he leaned over and kissed her. "I love you, Jang-mi-ah. I hope we resolve our spat today."

Standing up slowly, he walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Fortunately, aside from the stiffness on his side, he no longer felt pain from his cut. Cooking eggs, cutting up fruits and then brewing coffee for them, he silently hoped the  hearty food would help him coax Jang-mi to tell him why she got mad last night.

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