One Night - 12

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"Im Soo-ah, from what I read you've been teaching for a few years now," the Chairman, Hyun Jin-pyeong asked as the family sat down at a private room for brunch. 

"Yes, I have," Im Soo-ah replied. 

"Have you thought above moving up to an administrative role?" the Chairman asked.

"I have. I mean, the benefits are the primary reason but an administrative role has very little interaction with the children and the kids are what keeps me going," she said. 

"She's the best teacher ever!" Ji-ho declared.

Im Soo-ah smiled at the little boy as she helped him with the food on his plate. "Eat your vegetables, remember?"

"Uncle's broccoli is much better," Ji-ho complained, much to Jin-heon's delight.

Ji-Sung rolled his eyes. "This one has become so picky. He only likes Uncle's cooking now."

Jin-heon smiled, smugly at his brother. "Little man has taste."

Narrowing his eyes at Jin-heon, Ji-Sung turned to Im Soo-ah and asked, "Are you sure you want this as your boyfriend? He's terribly annoying. And if you look close, he's really not that handsome."

Jin-heon turned to Im Soo-ah pouting, "This is why I left for Paris. I have a horrible brother."

Im Soo-ah giggled but patted his face gently. "Oh poor you. He's right, though, you can be very annoying."

Jin-heon groaned, making Ji-Sung and their father laugh.

"But you're quite handsome," Soo-ah added as a consolation. 

Proud of the compliment, Jin-heon turned to his brother almost sticking our his tongue, but Ji-ho and Soo-ah were watching him. Not wanting to face the wall again, Jin-heon stuck out his lower lip and pouted.

"How was your trip, Jin-heon? Did you procure the supplies you needed?" Chairman Hyun asked. "You didn't need to come home in a rush. I told you I won't let this slide."

"I finished everything and the opening of the restaurant will be on time," Jin-heon replied. " Abeoji, you know I can't let her go through this alone when she was put in that spot because of me."

"Like I said, we didn't do anything wrong. You didn't put me on a 'spot'," Im Soo-ah clarified.

"She's smart," Chairman Hyun acknowledged. "You should listen to her. Believe me, listening to your mother has been the key to my success."

"Who do I listen to, Grandpa?" Ji-ho asked.

"Appa and Eomma," Ji-Sung said.

"Why two? Uncle only has to listen to Teacher. Can't I just listen to Teacher also?" Ji-ho clarified.

"In school, it's Teacher," Im Soo-ah helped out. "Otherwise, you need to listen to Appa and Eomma. Okay?"

Chairman Hyun smiled before continuing, "I saw the table arrangements for the restaurant opening. Why is Im Soo-ah not at our table?"

Jin-heon groaned, "Because I haven't asked her yet and now you've spoiled it."

Ji-Sung laughed again, thoroughly enjoying his brother's discomfort.

"Oh, sorry," Chairman Hyun chuckled. "Please feel free to join us."

Im Soo-ah nodded, but not before Jin-heon mentioned, "I was thinking you might want to bring friends along? I can set up a table for you and your colleagues if you want."

"Im Soo-ah, did your parents like my son?" Chairman Hyun asked next.

"Well, uh, I haven't had the chance to tell them...," Im Soo-ah hesitated. 

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