The Pirate - 2

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A/N: Another update for you guys. I guess at this point you could tell that this story is told as King Jeongjo recovers his memory. That said, timelines shift and it is challenging to write. I need to keep double checking as well so that it won't be confusing for all of us. Please bear with me. Thanks for the kind comments on the first two parts!


Captain Yeo Wol stared out the vast sea and thought about her current situation

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Captain Yeo Wol stared out the vast sea and thought about her current situation. Their crew had enough gold and treasures to carry them through at least three moon cycles, enough time to move around so as not to be detected but not far enough from the land to be able to dock quickly should Jeongjo's condition turn for the worse.

Yeo Wol sighed. She was grateful that the King seemed to be recovering his memories, albeit slowly. The healer told her to be patient as no one wants to cause him pain that may result in permanent damage.

Her musings were interrupted by Jang Sa-jung, one of her men and also a person who was well-versed with the latest treatments. "You're worried about him?"


They did not need to say his name to know they were referring to King Jeongjo. 

Yeo Wol narrowed her eyes. "I'm simply annoyed that this loss of memory is causing us issues in our plans."

Jang Sa-jung snorted. "Sure. I'll pretend I don't see concern in your face whenever I check on him and his wounds are not yet healed."

"Keep your mouth shut unless you want me to sew it for you," Yeo Wol threatened her old friend.

"He's going to be fine," Jang Sa-jung assured. "Any man deserving of your affections would do his best to live a long life to be right beside you."

Yeo Wol averted her gaze. "Don't go all romantic on me. It does not suit you, my friend." Moving away, she muttered, "Let me check if there's food prepared. The King might be hungry."

Jang Sa-jung watched her turn away and shrugged. "Oh Captain," he mumbled. "You were always so guarded with your heart. I hope that man is worth opening up to."

Watching the Captain talk to someone about the food for their guest, Jang Sa-jung sighed and went to go prepare the medicinal herbs she would surely ask for.



King Jeongjo stepped onto the deck and stretched his arms and legs and breathed in the fresh air on top of the ship. Being cramped up in the cabin for a number of days was already making him antsy, so he decided to go up since he was feeling a lot better than when he first became aware of his situation.

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