One Night - 18

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A/N: Some of you already are good and saw where I was going with it so I had to write this very carefully so I'm sorry it took the entire day! I hope you're not annoyed with me! 

I'm writing another one and if I finish it, double update tonight then. =)


Kim Yun-hui heard the banging of the bedroom door before she saw her daughter head out, knowing that Im Soo-ah was going to meet with her boyfriend after the spat they had at breakfast.

She disliked having arguments with her only daughter. Soo-ah was all she had in this world. Even though she was not blessed with financial wealth, she raised her child so that she always had food in her belly, a roof above her head and a good education to secure her future.

If Kim Yun-hui had her way, Soo-ah would have a higher paying job. Teaching was a noble profession but it did not pay much. However, Soo-ah had loved children since her younger years and had a knack for helping out her friends in their schoolwork, so it was a natural fit that Kim Yun-hui did not protest too much.

A life partner was a different thing.

Kim Yun-hui was aware of how extraordinarily beautiful her daughter was and knew from early on that she had a lot of admirers. Even when she was in kindergarten, Soo-ah would come home bearing flowers plucked from the school garden or candies, all from her boy classmates.

Worried that this would become an issue as she grew up, Kim Yun-hui decided to move her to an all girls school. If she thought admirers would be reduced, she was sadly mistaken as Soo-ah would catch the eye of boys just by walking home. 

Im Soo-ah was an obedient child and when she previously talked about a boyfriend or wanting to be in a relationship, she followed her mother's instruction. Even if it broke her heart, she obeyed. 

However, she was much, much older now and this Hyun Jin-heon brought a twinkle in Im Soo-ah's eyes that Kim Yun-hui had never seen in her daughter before. 

She frowned. Woo-jin did not tell her about this fact.

Kim Yun-hui smiled. She liked that Woo-jin. Im Soo-ah initially told her about this man but she said that he didn't seem interested in her, which Kim Yun-hui found strange. Men generally were interested in Im Soo-ah. To her surprise, she met the said young man a few days later when she met her neighbour and discovered that her son worked with Soo-ah at the school.

How Woo-jin found out about Soo-ah's background was something Kim Yun-hui did not press, she was just glad that her daughter was working with someone who came from their hometown.

Kim Yun-hui knew what it was like to fall in love that hard. She once loved someone that much, eloped with him and had a daughter. When she lost her husband too soon, she experience a hurt and emptiness that she could not describe even today. 

That was a pain she did not wish on her daughter.

It was best that she marry someone she liked, someone she could build a life with and tolerate. Not someone who would claim her heart and soul. A love so all consuming that it forgot there was a world -- a family -- around them.

"Soo-ah has an admirer in our school," Kim Yun-hui recalled Woo-jin telling her a few weeks back. 

"There's nothing new about that. My daughter is very beautiful. I told you long ago to start making your move so that we can finally tell her that we have arranged your marriage to her," Kim Yun-hui said. 

"Perhaps you are right. I have stalled for too long."

"Is Soo-ah interested in the man?" Kim Yun-hui asked.

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