Personal Taste - 4

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A/N: I apologize for the delay! I'm trying to take my time with the updates and being more careful in terms of trying to catch errors and what not because I want my last BinJin stories to be the best that I can make them to be =) Thanks for your patience!


Lee Hoon sat at the back of the meeting room for the bi-monthly progress report of the IT team on the system migration. He woke up a fifteen minutes after his normal time to rouse but that was enough to cause him to miss the subway he usually took to work. Unfortunately for him, that was the Monday of their group catch up, which was well underway when he arrived.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Lee," the Project Manager, Yun Yu-Seon said, noticing Hoon trying to slip in.

"Good morning, Ma'am," Hoon said, stopping his movements to give the manager a deep bow. "I apologise for my tardiness. I did not wish to disrupt what seems to be a wonderful presentation so I tried to sneak in."

Joo In-ah rolled her eyes at Hoon's attempt to charm her boss, who was notoriously prickly about her time. What was more surprising was that it worked on the older woman!

Chuckling, Yun Yu-Seon waved him off. "I hope you're using those talents to attact more clients to the company. Now, where were we? Joo In-ah-ssi, what's the status of the data backups in your group? We need those done within the week because it's the most important set we have and we can't risk losing client information."

"Yes, we're going to work on the files of Lee Hoon-ssi this week. He has the largest of all the client databases," In-ah informed her superior.

"Please make sure there will be no problems. Those contain the preferred and VIP clients," Yun Yu-Seon reminded them.

As normally happens with these things, it is the one thing you've been reminded to execute perfectly that everything goes awry. "I included in the checklist that you have to save a copy intact as backup!" Joo In-ah scolded Lee Hoon.

It was later in the day and the two of them were at her office, where Lee Hoon rushed for help when the file he was working on was corrupted and he could not access the backups as well.

"I SAVED files like you listed here!" he returned, holding up the checklist. "They're all corrupted now and the one last copy I had is saved in some location that I could not find now! Joo In-ah!!! HELP ME! That's a portfolio of over a billion won! IN-AHHHHHHHH!"

Hoon tinkered with various keys in his laptop.

"Stop that! You might delete something permanently!" Joo In-ah warned. Pulling him up and out of the chair, she took his seat and started working her magic. Hoon retrieved another chair so he could sit beside her and watch what she was doing.

As she continued to type away, Hoon realized she was working on a screen where only codes were used and he had absolutely no idea what she was doing. Soon, he was zoning out so he shifted his attention to the closest thing he could stare at.

Her side profile.

Her side profile

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