Be With You - 33

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Ha Chae Yoon stood at a safe distance, watching the scene unfold. Arrests were made and the woman who saved her was being taken to seek medical assistance.

Taking a seat in one of the police cars, she took deep breaths to calm herself. Mentally, she sent messages to her little one.

Please be alright. Please be alright, she prayed. I'm so sorry you have to go through this when you're still so small. But please, please be alright. If not for me, for Appa. Please be okay for Appa.

Other than exhaustion, she didn't feel anything different, so she was hoping that her baby was fighting as hard as she was to stay alive.

Keeping her tears at bay, she took another breath to clear her troubled thoughts. That's when she heard Min Tae Gu's question, "Are you alright?"

Ha Chae Yoon nodded, "Yes. Are you okay?"

"I wasn't the one held hostage," he pointed out.

Giving him a sideways glance, she smiled gently before she continued. "Yes, but what Cho said must have been an unpleasant surprise."

She couldn't begin to understand what Min Tae Gu must be going through from suddenly being at the other end of a hostage crisis to finding out that your beloved sister had fallen in love with a criminal who was now your friend's captor.

Friend. She had to roll her eyes at that. She wasn't naive. She knew Min Tae Gu held feelings for her which was why Cho Cheol Gang took her.

Im Cheol-Ryung even picked up on that.

However, she did believe that things have changed. Ha Chae Yoon saw Min Tae Gu's concern for her, yes, but she also saw something else. She saw the desperation in his face when they had to leave the warehouse without the woman who stabbed Cho Cheol Gang from behind.

Baek Jang-mi.

She also how Min Tae Gu's gaze followed Baek Jang-mi when she finally appeared and how concerned he was when she was taken to the medics.

That was love.

She was certain. She recognized it.

From what she could recall, they had some more small chatter before they parted ways. The question that struck her most was when Min Tae Gu asked, "Are you happy?"

Currently, she was terrified about her health. However, she remembered that she was now safe, having a baby and a husband who loved her with all his heart and she couldn't help but give Min Tae Gu a big, tired smile. "Yes, I am. I hope you find your happiness, too, Min Tae Gu."

They were supposed to be taken on the police cars but Ha Chae Yoon requested to ride the spare ambulance.

In the confines of the vehicle which carried medical professionals, she dropped her courageous facade and desperately pleaded with the doctor on call. "I'm pregnant. In my first trimester. Please check my baby. Please check that the baby is alright!"

"She's safe. She's on her way to the station."

Words that restored life in Im Cheol-Ryung.

He arrived at the station while everyone was still running about from the two big raids that night, but he only needed to see one face.

He had not seen Ha Chae Yoon anywhere but he was informed she was in the premises and was with officers to give her statement.

"Can't they defer to tomorrow? She must be exhausted," he asked though he already knew the answer.

"You know we can't. They're not making it difficult. They're just getting what they can tonight. Don't worry. They're taking care of her," he was informed.

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