Confidential Assignment - 12

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Note: This is a bit of a filler chapter because the next ones need a lot of work! Thank you to everyone reading this and commenting here and on Twitter. I don't get to see everything and only come across those that my mutuals comment on but please know I am extremely thankful.


"What? Is that so bad? I just don't want the groom to cry!" Baek Jang-mi was telling her friends at the coffee shop.

The ahjummas giggle at the younger woman's comment.

The ladies decided to go with Jang-mi when they found out that Min Tae Gu would have a late meeting and could not pick up Jang-mi right after work.

"I'm alright. It's a coffee shop and there will be lots of people around," Jang-mi assured her friends. "Won't your husbands look for you?"

Young-Ae rolled her eyes. "They'll survive one night. Besides, they just need to heat dinner. Right now, you need us."

Baek Jang-mi had to hide her face from them so they couldn't see the tears that suddenly came up. She had never been looked after before and this feeling was foreign. Part of her remained suspicious -- maybe one of them will give her away if push comes to shove (she narrowed her eyes at Wol Suk); but another part of her felt ecstatic -- maybe being around normal people wasn't so bad after all.

At the coffee shop, they reminded her to send a message to Min Tae Gu. "I already told him, of course."

"Treat the ladies to coffee. It's on me. Thank them for watching over my most precious person while I am not there," he sent back , making her swoon.

Now, their conversation went Jang-mi's supposed wedding. "Weddings look boring! And I don't understand why people cry. I just want to do it so that I can slap anyone who tries to take Min Tae Gu away from me."

Myeong-Sun gave her a surprised look. "People cry because they're so touched! Overwhelmed with emotions!"

Jang-mi made a face. "What does 'overwhelmed with emotions' even mean? Like when you're about to climax? I never cry in bed."

They all giggled again, by now familiar with how frank Jang-mi could be about those things, but still quite shocked because these things were normally discussed in hushed tones.

Jang-mi continued, "And some men are really ugly criers. That's why I came up with that idea. What man would cry knowing his bride had kegel balls in her during the ceremony?"

Everyone doubled over laughing.

Someone behind them choked. "Good evening, ladies."

"Min Tae Gu!" they called out in unison.

Jang-mi suddenly felt shy because of the reaction of her friends. She was guessing her idea was not acceptable in non-criminal circles.

"Thank you for our drinks!" Young-Ae piped up.

"How is Pyo Chi Su?" Wol Suk asked.

"You're so handsome today!" Ok-geum chimed in.

Myeung-Sun patted Jang-mi's shoulders and told him, "We made sure she's safe today" which earned her a grateful smile from Min Tae Gu.

"What were you discussing?" he asked, acting as if he did not hear that last bit. Jang-mi glared at him because she knows full well that he caught it loud and clear.

"Your wedding," Ok-geum suggested. "Jang-mi is concerned about you crying. You should consider her idea!"

Jang-mi's glare transferred to Ok-geum. "I'm not inviting you."

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