Personal Taste - 20

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A/N: Filler chapter as I work on the final one.


Joo In-ah walked in to the private investigator's office to settle her bill and personally hand over gifts to thank the two ladies for their help.

Baek Jang-mi gave her the once over before accepting her handshake. "After sex glow. Good. Good."

In-ah blushed. Ji Hae Soo had commented as much and it was only now that In-ah realized how obvious she was being.

Ha Chae Yoon reprimanded her friend. "Don't embarrass her, Jang-mi."

"I'm just stating a fact. She has the same glow as you do," Baek Jang-mi said. At Chae Yoon's glare, she added gloating, "I didn't embarrass In-ah. I embarrassed both of you."

Ha Chae Yoon rolled her eyes at Baek Jang-mi. It was pointless to retort because Jang-mi had always been unapologetic about how she and Min Tae Gu were still hot for each other even after being together for so long. As for her easy talk about bedroom activities? She once said to Ha Chae Yoon, "Sex is not bad. Picking pockets, killing, starving a child? Those are bad things. Connecting physically in the most intimate way with the one you love the most? How is that bad?"

Still, Chae Yoon asked, "Don't you think there are things you need to keep private?"

Jang-mi frowned. "I don't tell you everything! I just share my happiness and root for women who are equally satisfied by their husbands or partners!" Adding, "When I wasn't married, the ahjummas always told me I babbled too much about sex. Now that I'm married, it's still wrong to talk about it. Why can't I talk about something so wonderful?!"

Ha Chae Yoon laughed at her friend then but it gave her food for thought. Why did they have to be so ashamed about it? Since then, she had taken a more relaxed stance. Though still more reserved than Jang-mi, she no longer minded when Jang-mi commented or asked about things.

Besides, some of the new toys Im Cheol Ryung purchased was thanks to Jang-mi's stories and it has brought her a lot of... satisfaction.

In addition to that, Ha Chae Yoon never forgot Baek Jang-mi's life before she met Min Tae Gu. She didn't grow up in a traditional household with traditional values. For that, Ha Chae Yoon would always be protective of Jang-mi like an older sister to her baby sibling. They may bicker and Jang-mi can be annoying, but no one would dare hurt Jang-mi because they would face the wrath of both Min Tae Gu and Ha Chae Yoon.

Turning to their guest, Ha Chae Yoon said, "Thank you for the fruits but you didn't have to. How are you and Hoon?"

"Very good," Joo In-ah said. Unfortunately, there was some sad news to share. "There were some files still transmitted to his bosses and he was called in and given bad feedback because of it."

"That's unfair!" Jang-mi protested.

In-ah agreed. "I know. Hoon said as much but there's not much he can do since his boss is influential to the Board. But, he's leaving the company. Another employer hired him and he's moving there in a few days. It's a much better environment for him."

"That's good to hear," Ha Chae Yoon said, while Jang-mi muttered, "I should steal their wallets and get some dirt on them. I'll show them."

"Did you come from work?" Ha Chae Yoon asked to distract from Jang-mi's comment.

Joo In-ah shook her head. "I passed by my therapist's office first. I needed to sort things out."

"I see," the women nodded. "I hope you were able to get some clarity."

"A little. I'm still confused though," Joo In-ah admitted. She then decided to share, "I was terrified of how I felt about Hoon."

"Why?" Jang-mi asked.

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