One Night - Epilogue

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A/N: I have to admit, a part of me wanted to close this out at 100 chapters for this book but I couldn't let this Epilogue go. =)

Also, in case some of you have noticed, I quickly wrapped up the conflict of this story. I initially truly planned on having a darker undertone to this, which is why Woojin's antagonist character was like that, and then contrast it with the brightness of a child's innocence...but I realized I'm not in a good headspace to deal with such a heavy topic (on stalking).  So, I'm sorry if that wasn't a fully developed storyline.

Lastly, I do love Woojin in Be With You (SYJ's movie) so I'm sorry to make him a bad guy here! Thanks again for all the love, votes and comments! Please also check out the nice art posted on Twitter for these stories!!! I am sooo flattered.



Im Soo-ah turned to the deep voice, which was slightly breaking, that called her from a close distance. "Ji-ho-ah! Why are you here? School's out early today?"

Hyun Ji-ho, now a high school student, jogged toward the woman he still considered the best teacher he ever had. Hugging her, he replied, "Yes. And Uncle had a special task for me and my little Buddy!"

Her handsome nephew turned to motion to another, equally handsome, young man. His "buddy" was  over 6 years younger than Ji-ho but the two grew up to be very, very close. "Hi, Eomma!"

Soo-ah leaned down so her son could kiss her cheek, before she gave him a tight hug. "Hi, you cutie pie! You're here, too!"

"Yes! Hyung picked me up from school, like Appa told him!" Ji-Soo informed her, happily. 

Their son loved it when Jin-heon came to pick him up from school because it meant they would have extended playtime or a quick trip to the ice cream shop, but Ji-Soo also enjoyed when Ji-ho was assigned to meet him as the two had been best buddies since Ji-Soo was born.

This, of course, thrilled Jin-heon to no end as Ji-ho still held a special place in their hearts. For this reason, Jin-heon wanted their son to be named after Ji-ho and Soo-ah. When his cousin was born, Ji-ho no longer wanted to go home and was supported by his Grandma Eun-Jin, so to avoid drama, the Chairman bought a huge plot of land where each one built their houses in different sides but they all shared a garden space. 

Only Soo-ah's mother lived away but was still only 15 minutes away from them.

"Happy anniversary, Teacher!" Ji-ho greeted, the same time Ji-Soo said, "Happy anniversary, Eomma!"

Ji-Soo handed her a box. "This is from Appa!"

Ji-ho held the box for her as she opened it. She expected a letter and Jin-heon did not disappoint.

Happy 10th anniversary, my Love! You didn't think I'd forget, did you? I'm sorry I'm not there to start our day together like we normally do. I hope you forgive me and know that I only took this business trip because the offer would secure our children's future... and it's in our favorite city.

In this box is your favorite strawberry sweets... and tickets for our family to join me here. Father has arranged for the private plane to take everyone and I packed our bags before I left. Ji-ho and Ji-Soo will bring you to the airport where the rest of our family are waiting.

I can't wait to see you! Safe skies to all of you. 

Happy anniversary, Soo-ah! These ten years with you have been a dream and I never wish to wake up. I still feel giddy when I wake up and find you next to me. I love you more now than I ever have and look forward to the next ten years or more. Please don't ever tire of me. 

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