Spellbound - 9

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A/N: some mature content ahead!


"I don't like this."

Ha Chae Yoon paced around her office as she read the reports a team member of theirs completed.

The suspect arrested a few months ago has escaped and based on reports there were threats to Im Cheol Ryung and Baek Jang-mi's lives. Cheol Ryung was the one who arrested the man, while Jang-mi helped the case through her work at their firm.

"It would be safer if you and the kids leave town for a little while," Im Cheol Ryung said. "Min Tae Gu and I have identified a secure location —"

Ha Chae Yoon looked exasperatedly at the two men and she was glad to see the Baek Jang-mi was equally incensed. "We need to protect our kids, sure. But I am not leaving you," Ha Chae Yoon declared.

"You need us," Baek Jang-mi added. "Besides, that safehouse would be so annoying with a worried Inspector."

Min Tae Gu, who was casually seated at the couch with his lollipop, told Cheol Ryung, "I told you they won't agree."

"Yah. Don't look so calm. You're in trouble with me for agreeing with the Detective!" Jang-mi told her husband.

"I just looked for a place!" Min Tae Gu protested. Turning serious, he added, "The Inspector is right, though. This threat is something we should they take seriously, Darling. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I've arranged the children's security at the school with Teacher Soo Ah and her husband," Jang-mi informed the group. "I'm also vetting temporary bodyguards for them, whose profiles I can forward to you three to check."

"The station is also alerted of the situation," Cheol Ryung added. "We need to prepare for the worst. Jang-mi-ssi, let's look at a bodyguard for you, too."

"No. I'll handle it," Min Tae Gu interrupted.

"But Aera —" Jang-mi started but Tae Gu placed a gentle finger on her lips to stop her. "I got it."

They had plans in place but Ha Chae Yoon didn't feel good. That night, in bed, as he cuddled her in his arms, Ha Chae Yoon told her husband, "Make sure you're safe, okay? I don't want you harmed. My heart breaks just thinking about it."

"I'll be okay," Im Cheol Ryung assured. "I'll be okay."

Ha Chae Yoon nodded but was not placated. "Please make love to me?"

Im Cheol Ryung did. It was a way to make her temporarily forget but he would do his best. Taking their favorite toys out, he placed Chae Yoon's ankles on the spreader and whispered, "Try to keep quiet, Inspector. Our children are next door."

He made her come over and over again. At least for the night, all Ha Chae Yoon needed to think about was how Im Cheol Ryung would take her next.


Kang Yeo-ri sat beside Jung Ji-ho in her living room as he read through the final paperwork he needed to complete to release the tv movie he worked on. She ate popcorn and watched him as if he were the box office hit.

Ju Hui and Hong Ra-hee giggled.

"Is that what it's like when you make love, ahjumma?" Ju Hui asked.

Hong Ra-hee gazed fondly at the couple. "That's what it's like... when you're in love."

It had been over two weeks since their first time together and things had just gotten better. Having Ji-ho inside her was still something to get used to but it was now more pleasurable than uncomfortable. And, last night, Ji-ho introduced her to a position that she found truly pleasurable.

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