The Pirate - End

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Reading was never her best skill, yet spending time with Jeongjo had improved that. She enjoyed learning about the stories he loved and found ones she loved on her own.

However, improving her reading to be able to understand his final letter to her was something she did not expect to use that skill for.

With trembling hands, Yeo Wol stood at the end of the dock and opened the letter. She had tucked away the rose in her small body pouch, not wanting to lose one of the last token she had of Jeongjo.

 She had tucked away the rose in her small body pouch, not wanting to lose one of the last token she had of Jeongjo

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My Love,

By the time you receive this letter, I am gone.

The tears she kept at bay started to cloud her vision again so she shook her head and vehemently wiped them away quickly.

As you may have heard by now, the attacks on me have resumed. They started as soon as I returned to the Palace. I tried to keep the news to a minimum as I planned my counterattack and because I did not wish for you to worry.

The news blackout now made sense. However, it also filled her mind with questions. What attacks? Was he hurt while she was still on land? He should have told her so they could aid him!

His next words broke her heart.

I have only ever wished for our land to be peaceful and prosperous. Ever since I was a young boy, I wanted our people to keep the smile on their faces. When I became King, the people were my priority. Yet, I am not assured of a long and quiet reign in spite of my best intentions.

Sometimes, I wonder if I was too naive to think that hard work and good intentions were enough to satisfy the governors and the people. Sometimes, I wonder if I should just be selfish and pursue my own happiness since caring for everyone has given me nothing but heartache.

I apologize, Captain, if I asked you to also make sacrifices for the choices I made. Having you and our little one on the way had ignited a fire in me that wanted to make our world better. I want our child to live in a place where there is no hunger, they would be safe when walking the streets and where they could learn to become who they want to be.

It seems like a futile attempt now but I had to try. I left my plans in the public library and can only hope that whoever succeeds me as ruler would accept some of my suggestions.

Then, I can go with a clear conscience that I had done my best for my people. Let's meet again at another place and time, my jang-mi. Like you said, we'll be criminals and nothing can stop us from being together anymore.

Yeo Wol was starting to feel faint so she leaned on a post. Why did she have to fall in love with a King? Then again, she was so lucky that such a good man was the father of her child and she would eternally be grateful that they crossed paths in this life.

But that did not ease her heartbreak.

"I should have just taken you with me," she whispered.

Seeing that the letter was not done, she continued.

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