One Night - 7

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A/N: Visuals for Hyun Ji-Ho!

"Jin-heon," Hyun Ji-Sung called out to his brother. It was the start of a long weekend and the family was having a quiet breakfast at home. "Would you mind watching over Ji-ho for two weeks? Hye-ji and I need to go to Tokyo for meetings on our joint venture there."

"No, of course not," Jin-heon replied. "I was planning to check out my apartment though. Would it be alright if we bunked there for a few days?"

"Sure," Ji-Sung agreed.

"Have you asked Ji-ho if he would be okay with the setup?" Jin-heon continued.

"I didn't ask him about living in your apartment but I told him of the trip. Believe me, he can't wait to spend all that time with you," Ji-Sung chuckled. "The little man is already planning all your trips to the ice cream shop and toy stores."

"I'll be broke before that guy is a teenager. Maybe I should charge you for all our expenses," Jin-heon pondered.

"Maybe you should stop taking him there?" Ji-Sung shot back.

"We don't go that often," Jin-heon said, defending himself. "Believe me. I never hear the end of it."

The following day, the uncle-nephew tandem were settle in Jin-heon's place. "It's nice! Do you have a room for me here?" Ji-ho asked.

"Well, there's one here," Jin-heon said, leading the little boy to the door closest to the master's bedroom. Opening it revealed a decent sized room with shelves of toys he bought for Ji-ho and a bed shaped as his favorite robot.

"Coooooooolllll!!!!!" Ji-ho yelled, climbing up his bed and jumping on it. "Are all these toys for me?"

"Yes, so we don't need to keep going to the store, you hear?" Jin-heon said.

"Okay. Can we eat?"

That was one thing missing: food. Jin-heon drove them to a drive thru so Ji-ho could munch on something while they headed to the supermarket.

"Here's our list," Jin-heon informed. "We'll stick to this okay?"

"Are there candies in here?" Ji-ho said, scrutinizing the list.

"No," Jin-heon replied.

"Uncle!!!!!" Ji-ho complained.

Chuckling, Jin-heon gave in. "We'll get some if we pass the aisles with them. Let's get your toothbrush first. Your dad will get so mad if he comes back from Tokyo and all your teeth will be rotten."

They got fruits and vegetables, biscuits, bread, milk, eggs, and other essential food items (yes, including candies) along the way.

"Fruit loops!" Ji-ho called out, taking a box and putting it in their cart.

"Those are not real fruit," Jin-heon pointed out.

"No? Why did they call it fruit loops?" Ji-ho asked, eyeing the cereal box. "I think there's fruit there."

Before Jin-heon could explain, Ji-ho's attention shifted to something behind his uncle. "Teacher!!!!" He yelled before running to the woman, who was surprised to see them.

"Hi!" Im Soo-ah greeted, ruffling Ji-ho's hair. "You're helping out your uncle with the groceries?"

Ji-ho nodded. "Yes! We're staying at his new house! I have a robot bed!"

"Oh that's so nice!" Im Soo-ah said. To Jin-heon, who was now close by, she greeted, "Hi."

Im Soo-ah looked quite fetching. She was in loose pants, a plain white shirt and her hair was up in a messy bun. Jin-heon smiled, "Hi. Grocery shopping, too, I see."

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