Be With You - 4

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Warning: Mentions of violence. Please proceed with caution.


"How do people date nowadays?" Kang Jin-tae asked. "I've been married for so long I no longer know how people do this. But I have to learn since my daughter is now a teenager. I need to be alert."

"Dating apps!" Ha Chae Yoon replied. "The women at the office have been bugging me to sign up."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Im Cheol-Ryung asked. "We've seen a number of women fall into dangerous situations because of people they met in those."

If Ha Chae Yoon was surprised that he spoke up, she didn't show it. "That's true."

This would be the fifth time that she had gone out with them and this is one of the few statements he's thrown her way.

Ha Chae Yoon enjoyed their company, in spite of Im Cheol-Ryung's quiet presence, so when Kang Jin-tae invited her again, she said yes and they've been meeting up randomly for the past two weeks. Sometimes, other colleagues joined them, like that night Lee Da-bin went with them only to swoon at Cheol-Ryung the whole time. Often, it was just the three of them.

On the first night that she joined them, both men brought her home to ensure that she was safe. The next night though, Kang Jin-tae had to head home because his wife had an emergency so Im Cheol-Ryung was left to bring Ha Chae Yoon home. 

The first time the two of them were left together, "I can take the bus," she offered, aware that the man did not like to be around her.

"No, let's go," he replied, opening the door of his car for her.

The ride was quiet. Near her block, the streets were filled with the residents who were parked so Im Cheol Ryung could not get a slot close by. Choosing to park a corner away, he headed down and escorted her home. 

"I'm fine, really! This is my neighbourhood," she pointed out.

"Your street lamps, aren't working. It's not safe," he returned. Looking out at the darkened corners while they walked, he didn't notice the woman with him studying his actions and his features.

Ha Chae Yoon smiled. "Handsome," she whispered. 

He made sure she was standing away from the dark streets and shielded her from passersby who seemed drunk. Soon, they were at the entrance of her apartment complex. "You're here."

"Huh?" Ha Chae Yoon turned to realize that all that's left was for her to enter her building. "Oh yeah. I'll send a message when I've arrived inside?"

"No. The CCTVs seem to be working. You're safe. Good night, Inspector." With that, Im Cheol-Ryung turned and left.

Ha Chae Yoon's eyes widened. "What... but ... I ... ooohhhh!!! You annoying man!" She stomped her foot but to no avail. Narrowing her eyes at his broad shoulders, she took one last look then headed in, muttering curses at a certain detective. "Just because he's handsome he thinks he's all that! You annoying jerk! I hope your shoulders shrink!"

Im Cheol Ryung's pace slowed when he heard her call out that he was annoying. Turning back slightly, he caught sight of her going inside the complex and he breathed a sigh of relief. His mind had a flashback of the shock that registered in her face when he left and he couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked.

When he noticed that he was about to break out into a full grin, he glared ahead causing a group of young boys to cross the street so that they didn't pass him by. 



She was really cute though.


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