Confidential Assignment - 29

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Note: A bit of a filler chapter to start the week. Some content is suggestive so please proceed with caution.


Min Tae Gu was thankfully discharged after a few days and cleared to recover at home. It was fortunate because no matter how much he asked her, Baek Jang-mi did not want to rest at home.

The hospital room he had was spacious but to sleep, she had to convert the couch into a bed. "That doesn't look comfortable," Min Tae Gu commented.

"It's fine," Baek Jang-mi said. "Did the nurse give you your medicines already?"

He nodded. "Is your blanket warm enough?"

"Yes," she answered, rolling her eyes. "Stop worrying about me. You're the patient."

"I'm just saying you can rest home and come back tomorrow," Min Tae Gu pointed out.

Approaching his bed, she fluffed his pillows then let her index finger trace his face. First, his eyebrows then the bridge of his nose before it landed on his lips, which she gently kissed. "No, Mr. Min. I was beside myself with fear for the past days and I am not letting you out of my sight."

He smiled. "Alright. But let me know if you want to take a few hours break. Your favorite actor is attending an event a few blocks from here tomorrow."

Baek Jang-mi's eyes widened. "How do you know his schedule?!"

"Of course I kept tabs on him. It's for the skincare. But let's not buy those, they dropped my favorite actress! Can you believe it? I had just purchased those serums and stuff for you and now they no longer have photos of her! Hmph," Min Tae Gu complained.

She giggled. "You got me serums?"

"Yes," Min Tae Gu said, still smarting over the perceived slight of the actress. "It came with a free sample of those masks for men with a picture of him and I knew you'd like it."

"You really are the sweetest," she kissed his cheek. "Now, rest."

"I'm serious about the offer if you want to go to the event. I'm sure you missed catching up with his activities," Tae Gu said.

He drifted off soon after, leaving her to kiss his forehead. "I'll pass on the event. I need to you back to 100% first. Sleep well, my Love."

Discharge showed her for the first time a weaker Min Tae Gu. His stitches were still healing so walking was a challenge. At home, he spent most of his time sleeping which the doctors assured Jang-mi was fine and part of his healing.

So, she took over cooking, cleaning, picking up his medicines and groceries.

"I'll be better next week," Min Tae Gu promised at breakfast one day. "I'm sorry to burden you."

"Tsk! Stop that. You're not burdening me," she said, feeding him a spoonful of oats. "But don't get used to this. You're getting back to cooking once the doctor clears you."

Tae Gu chuckled.

"Hey, by the way, I noticed my fan merch is missing some items," Jang-mi said. "Did you really burn his photos?" she asked, pouting.

Pinching her nose, he scooped some of the scrambled eggs she made and fed her. "I put it in our safety deposit box while we were both away from home. I worried you might leave me for good if I lost those."

As he continued to eat, she recalled a conversation with the bank executive about a client who did the same thing. She had replied then "He must love her a lot".

There was no way now to check if Min Tae Gu was the same man the bank executive referred to but the fact that he did the same thing meant so much to Baek Jang-mi. She smiled, "I won't leave you. But you'll have to put up with me attending more of his events so I can replace them."

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