Be With You - 9

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"I'm sorry, okay? I was so sleepy that I forgot!" Lee Da-bin was explaining to a glaring Ha Chae Yoon.

"And you accepted an invitation while you were asleep?!" Ha Chae Yoon asked, accusingly.

Im Cheol-Ryung watched the exchange with interest. No, he was not interested in the date he now had to go to because of Lee Da-bin but he was very curious about the reaction of a very pissed off Inspector.

The woman he was to meet with was much younger than him, fresh out of college and just started with her first job. According to her profile, she wanted to try the app because she's had such bad luck with men. She chose Im Cheol-Ryung because he looked like a decent man who would be kind to her.

Even Ha Chae Yoon had to admit that the woman did not deserve to be ghosted. She felt the loneliness in her message and truly wished the woman good luck in finding a partner. But Ha Chae Yoon did not like that it might be Im Cheol-Ryung.

"Why are you smiling?! Are you so happy to be on a date with some woman?!" Ha Chae Yoon asked, turning her anger on Im Cheol-Ryung.

"Let's go to the break room," Im Cheol-Ryung offered. Before they left, he turned to Lee Da-bin, "You better have that profile deleted by now."

"Yes, yes! Just tell the Inspector not to be mad at me anymore," Lee Da-bin promised.

The break room was a small pantry that had space enough for a coffee machine and a water dispenser. Thankfully, the room was empty. Getting her a cup and preparing it with the amount of sugar and milk she liked before handing it to her, he consoled, "Don't be mad at Lee Da-bin."

"Because she got you a date now you're on her side," Ha Chae Yoon frowned, crossing her arms at him.

"No. Don't be mad because I think she truly didn't mean to accept the invitation," he said. "And I'm going to talk to the lady but that's it. You don't need to worry."

"I'm not worried."

"Liar," Im Cheol-Ryung called out. There were cameras everywhere so he knew any sort of affection was not good but he allowed himself on thing: he pulled on her earlobe gently and smoothed the frown on her forehead. "You know the restaurant I'm meeting her in. Feel free to follow me if you want. We're just going to talk."

"Oh you're so full of yourself. I'm not following you," she said.

"Okay," he simply said. "I'm just saying you're welcome to."

He was right. She followed him and got a table close to them. Watched him talk to the young woman, assure her that there was nothing wrong with her. What he said next gave Ha Chae Yoon another view to the good person that the Detective truly was.

"I knew it. I'm not pretty enough," the young woman lamented. "I'm not pretty yet I have high standards. This is why I don't have boyfriends."

"You are right to have standards. Women should have high standards and the right person will meet them," Im Cheol-Ryung assured her. "You studied and finished in school and now you have a good job. You seem to be a decent person, too. You shouldn't settle for anything less."

"I've been waiting for so long," the young woman continued sadly.

"That's not a bad thing no matter what others say," Im Cheol-Ryung said. "Wait a little longer until you find someone who deserves you."

At the end of the dinner, he hailed a cab for her and wished her luck.

When the taxi left, Im Cheol-Ryung walked over to the lamppost where a certain Inspector was now waiting. Pulling her earlobe, he asked, "Are we good?"

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