Be With You - 34

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A/N: This part would be more on outtakes for the latter part of the CA chapters as I wind up this arc. Some suggestive content so please exercise caution as well.

Thank you, Clyte for the new cover!


Like she told Im Cheol-Ryung, Ha Chae Yoon requested for a transfer as soon as she was back in the office a few days after being taken.

She made sure to rest as her doctor advised and had no intention of pushing it. She was well aware of how lucky she was that the baby was doing fine even after that ordeal and devoted her rest days to caring for herself and ensuring the baby had no stress.

"Rest and please monitor your weight. You still have not gained any," her obstetrician reminded.

Once her check up was done, Im Cheol-Ryung drove her straight home, carried her from the parking lot to the bed and then headed to the grocery to stock up on food.

"The doctor didn't say I needed bed rest!" Chae Yoon protested lightly.

"I know but I say so," Cheol-Ryung returned, crossing his arms.

From their bed, she copied him and crossed her arms. "Oh, you say so?"

"Yes," he said firmly. But as she hardened her gaze, he softened his. "You know I'm just concerned. Please do this for me? Please? Yeobo? Sweetheart? Love? Darling? Sugarplum?"

Ha Chae Yoon laughed out loud at his antics. "Oh you. You're lucky I find you cute."

Im Cheol-Ryung grinned. "Good. I'll be back. Send me what you want from the supermarket."


"Just one. Any fruits?"

"Ummm... apples. And maybe peaches because they remind me of your butt," she teased.

Im Cheol-Ryung rolled his eyes but chuckled. By the door jamb of the room, he called out, "Bunny!"

Their little maltese puppy ran to him.

"Watch over Eomma while I'm out, okay?" he instructed. "Make sure she rests."

Bunny barked in response.

Chae Yoon initially found it cute, until she realized Bunny loved her Appa more and followed his instructions to the dot. She even followed Chae Yoon in the bathroom and barked at her when she attempted to walk to the kitchen.

"What? I can't even get a glass of water?" she asked Bunny.

The puppy trotted behind her and checked everything she was doing. When Ha Chae Yoon settled back in bed, Bunny sat by the door to guard for intruders.

Chae Yoon rolled her eyes again. "Hmph. You just want to get kisses from Appa."

But as Bunny patrolled the room and gazed at Ha Chae Yoon lovingly, Chae Yoon couldn't help but soften up. "You're a good girl that's why Appa loves you. I love you, too, you know?"

Bunny barked.

"Yes I do. And when your little sister comes, she'll love you also," Ha Chae Yoon assured. At Bunny's questioning look, she added, "I really this we're having a baby girl, Bunny. Appa's going to have his hands full with us three girls!"

Giggling, Ha Chae Yoon lay in bed and stared at the cieling. Imagining their house filled with little girls and Bunny doting over Im Cheol-Ryung... or giving him a headache.

She can't wait!

With that blissful image in mind, Ha Chae Yoon drifted off with a smile on her face.

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