Personal Taste - Epilogue

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"Do I look okay?"

Joo In-ah fidgeted, smoothing her dress before holding on to Hoon's hand tightly. "I'm so nervous," she whispered to him.

"You look beautiful, Baby,"Hoon whispered. "How about me?"

In-ah stared at his messy, styled hair, navy blue shirt and jeans. "So handsome," she sighed. "Still can't believe you married me."

Hoon blushed at her compliment. "I should get you pregnant more often if it means you're this in love with me," he teased.

In-ah giggled, holding her still flat belly.

"I still can't believe we're going to have our own little one soon," she whispered

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"I still can't believe we're going to have our own little one soon," she whispered.

Hoon and In-ah had only been back for three weeks since their honeymoon when she started showing symptoms.

First, it was the not so good ones because Hoon's cologne, cooking and anything he did annoyed her. "Why is your nose like that?" she asked one day.

"Like what?"

"It's too straight!" she said.

Hoon made a face. "Am I supposed to make it not straight?"

"UGH!" she would walk out of the room he was in, but as soon as they were apart, she would call him. "Hey! Why are you so far from me!"

A week later, she could not get enough of him. They were newly weds so they were still basking in that honeymoon bliss (not that their sex life was ever inactive) but In-ah was insatiable. She woke him up to make love before work. He would come home to find her naked and ready to have sex again.

Then, there were the cravings. One day, she woke him up at 3am to say, "Baby, I want ice cream and ramen."

"Huh?" Hoon asked, unsure that he heard correctly. "Now?"

"Yes. Now," she said.

"But I don't think we have ice cream," he told her and turned around hoping to end the discussion.


Hoon sat up. "I'll go to the grocery first thing tomorrow."


"Baby, it's still dark."

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMOREEEEEE HUHUHUHUHUH!" In-ah cried, burying her head in her pillows.

"Hey, don't cry. I'll go. I'll go," Hoon said, getting up to dress.

"Are you leaving me?!" In-ah exclaimed.

"I have to buy your ice cream," Hoon reminded.

"You're leaving meeeeee," she cried again.

Hoon was getting frustrated but thankfully was still able to think of a compromise. "I can heat up some ramen now and I have some sweets here. Do you think that would be okay? I promise we'll buy ice cream when it's light out."

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