One Night

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A/N: I'm not sure where I'm going with this yet and which of their characters I will eventually use  but I'm leaning toward Im Soo-Ah (SYJ in the movie Be With You) and Hyun Jin-heon (HB in Kim Sam-soon because it's closest to his name). I'm not even sure if I can make this into a multi chapter one. Please indulge me in the need to write this because it has been stuck in my mind for a bit. I've included a photo here of the visuals I have for this part. I would appreciate it as well if you could let me know/give me feedback if you want me to continue this.

There's another crossover request I'm working on but I don't have a solid storyline for it yet that doesn't sound like the others I've made, so I haven't written that but please know I have not forgotten it.

Mature themes. Please do not proceed if you are a minor or are not comfortable with this.

 Please do not proceed if you are a minor or are not comfortable with this

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Paris, 2015, 


The air was warm but not so humid and it was nice to walk around. The trees were still bright green showing their fresh growth from spring.

This trip to Europe was a dream come true. She had been working for a few years and saved up for this dream trip of hers. Spain, Italy and the France, with Paris being the city she looked forward to the most.

One friend of hers said, "When you get to Paris, you either hate it or love it."

She could see that. There were a lot of people going about and everyone seemed to take a lot of effort in looking good, even just for a trip to the bakery. The city felt alive. Everything seemed so big and fast paced. It can be intimidating. 

However, no one could deny that the old structures and bridges remained beautiful. There was a lot of intricate details in the buildings, each cobblestone she stepped on seemed to be purposely put there to make the streets nicer, and having the Seine run through the city was so romantic. 

She loved it. 

Initially worried about taking this solo trip, she was happy that there had been no untoward incident so far and it had been the wonderful trip she dreamed of.

At the moment, her beautiful experience was being tested by this two-hour wait to go up the Eiffel Tower.

It was a very "tourist-y" thing to do. But what the heck, she was a tourist. Since she was leaving in a couple of days, she wanted to go to the top and see the view from there. When she finally got to the top, while everyone finding that perfect place to capture a photo, she found that rare empty spot where she could gaze out into the city and take everything in.

Drawing a deep breath, she couldn't help but sigh in satisfaction. Top of the Eiffel. In Paris. "I've dreamt of this for so long," she whispered. "If only I had a memorable one night stand to cap off this trip, it would be perfect."

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