The Pirate - 4

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A/N: Apologies for the delay! The weekend was for a lot of errands so I didn't have time to write.   How are all of you doing? ❤️ I hope you're all good. Hang in there and stay safe and I promise to update more often.


After tea with the ahjumma in her quaint little hut, Jeongjo asked if Yeo Wol would want to spend a few days with him as they had previously discussed. "I am serious about getting to know you better and would be grateful if you would accept my invitation as a guest in the Palace?"

The Palace was one that was close to the sea and not the main one where the King ran his government. Understanding that there would only be a few of his royal staff around, Yeo Wol agreed. "You have pretty flowers here. That's the only reason I am agreeing to this."

Once in the palace, Jeongjo offered her a change of clothes. "Only if you want. The ladies here will help you if you wish and I'll see you in a little while for dinner?"

"Is it possible to meet outside? I would like to go around and see more of your land," she requested.

"Of course. I will wait for you by the side entrances. The ladies will guide you," King Jeongjo said. When they parted, he headed quickly to his rooms and stared at the portrait he always carried around with him. Whispering to no one, he said, "You are finally here with me."

As he waited for Yeo Wol to change, King Jeongjo gazed at his surroundings. Did the flowers seem more beautiful? The birds seem to be happily chirping away as well. The sun is definitely brighter today, right? It's almost sunset but it is still the brightest this sun has ever been.

"Why are you smiling like and idiot?" a feminine voice called out.

Turning to the direction of her voice, Jeongjo eyes widened and his jaw dropped at the transformation of the Captain. She was already beautiful in her pirate outfit, but this different side was... breathtaking.

"Is Your Highness speechless for once?" Yeo Wol teased

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"Is Your Highness speechless for once?" Yeo Wol teased. "Maybe I should dress like this more often so that you'll be less annoying."

Jeongjo laughed. "Do you prefer that I do not speak, my Captain?"

Yeo Wol demurred. "No. I like to hear you talk. You... you have good ideas," she reluctantly admitted. "You are bearable when you talk about your plans for your people."

Yeo Wol did not dare tell him she quite enjoyed the tone of his voice. His baritone sent welcome shivers down her spine, especially when he leaned in to tell her some secret he made up. Then, when she would call him out on it, his laugh would warm her heart and would make her feel all kinds of wonderful.

The King laughed again. "I shall limit my discussions with you then."

"I didn't say that!" she corrected.

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