Be With You - 26

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A/N: I made some edits to chapter 25 to clean it up. Sorry about that! I've been distracted this past weekend and wasn't able to reread the chapter before I posted. ☺️

One morning, Ha Chae Yoon woke up, checked her phone and squealed. Worried that something was wrong, Im Cheol-Ryung sat up immediately. "What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

"No!" Showing him her phone, she pointed to the date. "Two weeks! We're getting married in two weeks!"

Cheol-Ryung chuckled. "Yes, we are. Are you thinking of taking it back? Because let me tell you, you can't."

"I can't?"

"Nope," he said in jest. "My heart's going to break."

Ha Chae Yoon nodded seriously. "Best to go through with it then." Thinking of something they had previously discussed, she asked, "Are you going to have sex with me this morning?"

"Nope," he said, moving away to rise from his side of the bed.

"Why not?! We have --"

Im Cheol-Ryung turned back to find Ha Chae Yoon holding her head and covering her mouth as she leaned back on her pillows. "What's wrong?"

Exhaling carefully, she met his eyes and smiled. "I got up too quickly and felt a little dizzy."

Cheol-Ryung frowned. "I'll get you a glass of water." When he returned, he asked how she was feeling. "Do you think you can make it to work today?"

"Yes," she told him.

"You've been getting dizzy spells lately. Shouldn't you have that checked?" he pointed out.

Ha Chae Yoon nodded. "I have an appointment in two days. Would you mind going with me? I don't want to go alone."

"Of course. I'll let the Chief know," he assured her. "If you're well enough, then let's shower together... BUT NO SEX."

Ha Chae Yoon wanted to protest but she knew he it was the wise thing to do. Feeling dizzy and shower sex just did not mix. Im Cheol-Ryung helped but leaving her erogenous zones alone. She still was left panting and craving to be intimate with him, though, and being denied because of the place and rushing for work, left her grumpy.

"Not even married yet and you're already denying me satisfaction," she complained while they were stuck in traffic. "I wasn't asking for multiple orgasms. Just one. ONE! And you couldn't even give me my wish."

Im Cheol-Ryung knew that this was one of those moments that he needed to keep quiet and just let her rant. After all, she wasn't serious about her complaints. She was just frustrated.

When he parked, they walked side-by-side to the entrance of the station. Just before they entered, Ha Chae Yoon felt guilty and said, "I'm not really mad."

"You're not?" he asked, indulging her.

"No. I'm sorry for nagging you. I hope you know that I love you very much," she said in a tone that only he could hear.

"I know. I love you, too," he replied. "Let's go in."

In the office, a surprise welcomed Ha Chae Yoon at her desk. Another note from Min Tae Gu.

I have finally been allowed out from the safe house with my living arrangements settled. Can we still have that drink? How does tomorrow at 7pm sound? My mobile number is below. Feel free to call or send me a message.

Biting her lip, she thought of the first thing she needed to do -- call Im Cheol-Ryung.

Asking to meet up at lunch, she showed him the invitation she received. Seeing his frown, Ha Chae Yoon added. "Please know that I intended to decline meeting outside work and just meet him when he's released from prison or while his papers are signed. I didn't know that there were other plans for him and I wasn't able to do so."

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