Spellbound - 10

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A/N: Disturbing scenes ahead related to the paranormal. Please proceed with caution.


Years ago, when Kang Yeo-ri and Ju Hui had not made peace yet, Ju Hui went to visit everyone Yeo-ri was close with to drive them away from Yeo-ri. Ju Hui did not have to do much except appear unexpectedly -- like hover above you in bed when you wake up in the middle of the night, or be behind the door when you open it -- and it would be enough to scare someone.

The longer Ju Hui did this, the more Yeo-ri got used to it. The presence of an unfriendly ghost was still horribly unsettling and often put in cold dread into her heart, but at least, Yeo-ri close her eyes and shut the image out.

That was when Ju Hui learned to mess with Kang Yeo-ri's head. Ju Hui was able to trick Yeo-ri into thinking she was being choked or something else. It did not matter if she was in public or in the privacy of her home, if Ju Hui thought Yeo-ri was too happy, Ju Hui would mess with her head. To the world, it would seem like Kang Yeo-ri was having a panic attack, but Yeo-ri felt like she was being attacked by multiple decomposing hands.

 To the world, it would seem like Kang Yeo-ri was having a panic attack, but Yeo-ri felt like she was being attacked by multiple decomposing hands

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Other than Ju Hui and Hong Ra-hee, Kang Yeo-ri was visited by random spirits, often needing some kind of help. Ma Jo-Goo referred to one they helped previously where the little boy visited her and brought them to the accident site where he and his father were trapped. The father was saved, but the boy was gone.

Spirits that visited her had left their physical body.

So, when Kang Yeo-ri woke up in the middle of the night to see the four spirits in the living room, she was immediately disconcerted. Fortunately, she knew of two - Ju Hui and Hong Ra-hee. The other two were unknown to her.

All she knew is that help would be needed but for now she didn't know what they needed yet. That was another thing, the spirits that visited her did not speak. Only Ju Hui and Hong Ra-hee had tapped into her mind and was communicating with her. Kang Yeo-ri did not pray to speak to other souls because she feared what that might bring.

For now, the spirits weren't doing anything but they looked forlorn.

Since she was already awake, she decided to take a shower and get ready for work. However, when she was cooking breakfast for her and Ji-ho, she received a message from the Inspector that the office will be closed due to an emergency.

Kang Yeo-ri's heart started beating fast. Could the appearance of the spirits have something to do with this office emergency?

Please let me know when you're awake. I need a favor, Yeo-ri-ssi, the Inspector said.

Hitting the reply button almost immediately, she sent a message that she was awake and that the Inspector can call anytime. While waiting for the Inspector's call, Yeo-ri paced around her house, alternately checking her phone and looking at the spirits.

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