2: Records with Alex

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"Wow. Nice place!" Alex exclaimed as they stepped inside my new studio.
"Thanks. I think I did an alright job - I just can't put shit on the walls" I sighed.
"Where are you gonna put naked Harry then!?" They exclaimed, pointing to the posters that were folded up on my bed. My Fine Line vinyl came with a poster - and one side had a photo of Harry Styles naked on it...
"Uhhh...wardrobe? I don't really wanna put it up"
"Oh well, just give him a home"
"I'll figure it out. You want something to eat?"
"No thanks. But we should put a record on"
"You pick. I want a snack" I let Alex look through my records while I got some chocolate rice cakes out from a cupboard. I heard a familiar beat play as I did that and then realised that they had put on Manic by Halsey.

"So...have you explored yet?" They asked as I bit into my snack.
"Mmm no not really" I replied as I swallowed. "We can go now. Piers about twenty minuets away" I added.
"Oooh, we should go record shopping!"
"Alex, you own almost two hundred records!"
"So!? C'mon, let's go!" Alex went to turn my record player off whilst I finished eatings. We slipped our shoes on, put our bags on and dashed out of my flat.

"HMV is just here...oh my god, is that a RED Chemtrails Over The Country Club?" I exclaimed.
"Get that bread" Alex coughed, causing me to chuckle.
"Its two for thirty pounds right? I'll get this and..." I spotted a Paramore record on display and grinned. "After Laughter"
"You? Having money? In what world!?"
"Got a job in summer and saved up. Mother dearest helped me not spend it"
"As she should - mines salty because I bought a Lana vinyl last week" They sighed, looking through the records.
"Haha" I teased them as I helped them look. "Lana Del Republican" I added cheekily.
"My Mum genuinely thinks she's a republican!"
"I don't think she is...she just...she needs to open her eyes" I sighed as I picked up a Panic! at the Disco LP - oh how I miss them being unproblematic.
"As do Panic!...ugh where's Fine Line? I actually enjoy it and I want it" Alex grunted.
"Uhh...I'm not sure it's here..." I turned around and looked in the Rock section inventively incase it was accidentally put there.

"Looking for this?" I heard a voice speak - it was awfully familiar but I was too busy looking for a Marina vinyl to look up.
"Oh uh did you want it?" I heard Alex stammer.
"Nah, I have one. Here y' go. Good record that"
"It is...well uh thank you" Like me, Alex was scared of men so they just grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the check out.
"Happy to help" The voice chuckled.

"I hate men but that man was nice" They sighed as we sat in Wagamamas eating our lunch.
"Yeah, I get you. But at least we got some records, I can't wait to play these"
"After Laughter is stunning on vinyl. Hey, can we go to the pier after this?"
"Yeah of course! Ugh, this food sucks! I hate vegetables" I pushed away my vegan katsu curry and sighed.
"Does your Mum know you've gone pescatarian now?"
"I haven't entirely done it...I just...I cut down on meat. I can't be bothered to see a doctor"
"I get you...oh well though. You're trying to make a difference which is good!"
"Yeah, I just hope it pays off"

After paying, we headed to the pier which was partially closed due to filming.
"Hey, isn't Harry Styles filming here?" Alex asked, knowing I loved Niall Horan.
"Oh yeah he is..." I replied.
"Least some of us have respect" My friend sighed as we watched some screaming girls watch the filming, waving their phones around.
"God" I sighed. "You want photos?"

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