19: Moomin

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"Welcome home Zahra"

Harry asked me where I wanted to go and I chose Camden Town.
"I've missed this place" I smiled softly as he thanked the driver. "Can I hold your arm? I don't like being in Camden alone"
"Of course you can" Harry allowed me to slip my arm through his before we walked along the pavement.
"I forgot how much I love it here"
"Im guessing you used to come here a lot"
"Yeah...it was fun. The park, the market...all the cool people that would compliment my outfits" I giggled. "Can we go to the Moomin shop?"
"The what?"
"C'mon I'll show you!"

"Is that a fucking hippo?"
"No, it's a Moomin" I pulled him inside the small shop and let go of him. "Moomins"
"Oh wow...that is a statement" He picked up a large one with a top hat on and chuckled.
"And £40" I sighed. "But everythings so cute! They have cutlery a-and clothes- ooh pins!"
"Fangirl much?" Harry chuckled, following me as I looked through the pins.
"I want...the top hat one. Do you want one?"
"Y'know what, I think I quite like the keyring set" He chuckled, picking up the Troll and Snorkmaiden set.
"Okay, we need matching ones. Thank you" I took it off him and pulled him to the till.
"Wh-hey I was gonna buy that!"
"Too late bitch" I teased him.
"Im getting the big Moomin" He said in a mocking way.
"Fine, have fun spending £40 on a plushie with a top hat" I joked.
"I will" He booped my nose before scampering offi while I giggled and paid for my stuff.

"Im baaaack" Harry returned with a plushie as I finished and went to pay for it. The clerk was just laughing at us - we clearly made her day.
"£40 please. Card?" She asked.
"Yes please" He replied, looking excited.
"Have I got you obsessed with Moomins?" I asked.
"I think you have" He giggled as he tapped his card on the reader.
"Thank you. Have a nice day-wait, I think I saw you both on the news"

For Fuck sake.

"Both of-oh..." Harry immediately sussed it out.
"Good luck on your movie" The clerk smiled.
"Thank you, have a nice day" Harry spoke, while I fell silent. He noticed I was off and took my hand before pulling me out of the shop. "I take it you knew about that"
"Let's just say...I no longer have Twitter" I replied. Harry stopped in his tracks and turned to me - yeah, he figured this out too. 
"I'm so sorry...oh my God" he sighed.
"It's okay. A few mean people in your fanbase don't represent the entire fanbase or you"
"I know but it must be awful. Did anyone...y'know...make comments about..."
"Uhhhh..." Yeah, racism was real.
"C'mere love" Harry pulled me into his arms and I let out a small sniffled. "You're beautiful, okay? Everything about you is. If anyone tries to tell you different, they're wrong"
"Thank you" I mumbled into his chest.
"Happy to help" He pulled away and held up the Moomin. "Y' gonna name our son?"
"Our so-uhhh...um....Niall" I gabbled.
Harry burst out laughing at what I said. "Good idea. Here, take him home" He thrusted the plushie into my arms, making me realise his little plan.

Mother fucker bought it for me.

"Harry, I couldn't!"
"C'mon, Nialls gotta be with his Mum!"
"B-but...it was so expensive!"
"And? Hey, can I have the Snorkmaiden keyring?"
"Uh yeah just take it out of the bag" i gave him the Moomin bag before I threw Niall in my tore. I watched as Harry attached the keyring to his keys before he let out a giggle.
"This is too cool. Thanks love"
"Thank YOU more like. Can we go into the market more?"
"You don't need to ask, this is your evening. C'mon, lead the way. D'you want me to hold y' bag?"
"I'll be alright!" I took the Moomin bag and stuffed it in my own tote before slipping my arms through Harrys and leading us to one of my favourite shop.

A leather jacket shop.

"This is nice" Harry fingered a brown leather jacket in awe - which was his size. I was gawking at a black version which was a bit baggier - for £12!
"Right, I'm getting this" I picked it up and went over to Harry who was trying on the brown one.
"What d'you think?" He twirled, causing us both to snigger.
"It really suits you!" I giggled shyly.
"Oh wow, dude that's so your colour!" The salesman grinned at Harry who was admiring the jacket.
"Oh thank you!" He blushed, a huge smile on his face as he took it off. "I'll take it.  This one too" He took the black one off me and asked for a bag.
"Harry!" I scolded him.
"What did I do?" He smiled cheekily, getting his card out.
"You know what you did!" I folded my arms while he and the salesman chuckled.

After we left, I offered to take Harry to my favourite boba shop. He told me he didn't like boba but I begged him to try again and that I'd choose the flavour for him...but I asked him if he could order for me as I was too anxious and he so kindly agreed. He kept his arm round my in a protective way as I typed away our orders and gave him my card...but of course the little bitch used his. Anyway, we got our drinks and decided to sit in the park nearby for a while before I had to head back..

"Are you alright now? I know the morning was a bit rough" Harry spoke.
"I'm...really happy. Thank you" I smiled shyly.
"You're lovely honestly...thanks a lot"
"Yeah, of course! I'm here for you"
"Right back at you bestie" I finished my drink and put the empty cup aside before i laid back on the grass.
"You tired?"
"Mhm a bit..."
"C'mere" Harry had finished his drink too and pulled me onto his lap slightly. My head rested on his lap, him leaning against a tree.

"What about you? Have a good day?"
"Yeah! So much fun! Moomins are...adorable"
"They are, aren't they?" i giggled. "But...above all, I'm really glad we're friends"
"Me too Zahra...how're you getting home?"
"Uhh...I can get the train from Kings Cross or Victoria. Wheres my phone...?"
"Here, I'll find you a route. D'you want me to come with you?"
"No, it's okay. You must be tired too"
"I'm alright actually! But if you want me to come with you, I can"
"I'll be fine. Thanks though"
"Happy t' help. There's a train in an hour"
"Ooh, send me the link. I'll buy a ticket now"
"No need. Got you one"

Mother fucker.

"Harry, c'monnn"
"You don't need to buy me things, okay? It's sweet and all and I really appreciate it but you don't need to"
"I know I just...you're my friend. And I like doing things for my friends"
"I know...it's sweet I just get a bit awkward"
"Why's that?" He asked, in a concerned tone.

Could I tell him? He was sweet and very kind and I had held back a lot about me...surely this wasn't too much?

"Just...don't tell anyone" I said, staring off into the distance.
"Promise" He replied.
"Growing up my family didn't have a lot of money. It was a struggle to even eat sometimes. And I dunno...I felt different to everyone around me even though they all definitely had their own shit going on. I also didn't get birthday presents. Anyway, when people buy me stuff I just feel bad...like a charity case...God, this is embarrassing"
"No, no love it isn't! Im proud of you for even telling me. Look, I didn't get you that hippo-I mean Moomin because I thought of you in that way. It was just a little token from today y'know. A gesture. I bring the crew in Brighton bagels everyday y'know?"
"I want a Harry bagel!"
My comment made him chuckle. "One day love. But seriously...your paste doesn't reflect you nor define you. Life happens, just let it!"
"Mhm...what time is it?"
"Five. Y' wanna head back?"
"Well...no...I like hanging out with you"
"Is that so?" He grinned.
"Of course I do. I'm not ashamed"

Eventually we got up and Harry suggested we walked to the station. I got a snack for the journey back from Tescos before we headed to Kings Cross, me holding his arm.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Me? Yeah! Yeah, I'm great!"
"You ever get a gut feeling?"
"A what?"
"A gut feeling. Y'know, you can sort of sense when someones not good. In your gut"
"No, not really"
"It's like...you sort of know someone isn't good. And you're always right. It's weird, i know"
"It's not weird. Its interesting-"
"HI HARRY!" He was cut off short by two girls shouting his name as they drove past.
"Hello!" He smiled and waved before turning back to me. "Sorry about that"
"Nothing to be sorry for. Oh hey, we're here!"
"Here I'll walk you to the platform. You got everything?"
"Yeah! Thanks for today. I-i needed it"
"I know y' did love. And I'm glad I helped" He put his arm round me as we went up the escalator. "You can always talk to me. I promise"
"You too" I slipped my arm round his waist as we walked closer to the barricade.

And now we were departing.

"Promise you'll text me when you're home?" I spoke.
"As long as you do the same" He responded playfully. I scoffed and threw my arms round him, causing him to smile and hug me back.
"Get home safely love. And call me if you need me. I'll see you soon yeah?"
"See you"

As I walked towards the train (after scanning my ticket) I looked behind me to see Harry waiting for me to get on. I giggled and waved, causing him to do the same. I got on the train, sat down and watched as the doors closed. I plugged in my earphones and let out a small smile.

Best day ever with the best friend ever.

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