37: The Ball

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"So...are you going to the Freshers Ball?"

Lavender, Delilah and I were sitting outside my flat, eating ramen. Harry had gone to London for the day to see his family and I quote 'get his head screwed on right'.

"Yeah! I've been talking to this person recently and he's lovely! She wants us to go together so...we're doing it!" Delilah smiled gleefully. She'd met someone in the canteen a few weeks ago called Arrow (who goes by all pronouns) and they were literally almost dating.
"Oh me too! She's so so sweet but she goes to Sussex Uni. But we can bring a guest from outside uni so it's okay!" Lavender grinned.

They both turned to me whilst I looked at them both blankly.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you going?" Lav asked.
"No..." Yeah, bit of a buzzkill right?
"Why not? Aw, please come"
"I don't like parties and I don't wanna go alone"
"What if-" I cut Del off short.
"I am not fifth wheeling" I responded.
"Okay, bring Harry then" They replied.
"Wh-You're joking right? Bring Harry to the Freshers Ball?" I gabbled.
"Good idea!" Lav replied.
"Goo-What!? Guys, he's a celebrity. I'm 20 as well"
"You're twenty!?"
"Yeah. I cant bring him"
"The whole uni knows you two are friends Plus age doesn't mean shit - you're both adults who cares? Both over 20 and responsible. Plus you two obviously like each other" Del replied.
"Oh will you give it a rest?" I sighed.
"C'mon, just ask him maybe! No one will say anything" They urged me.
"Okay but what if some people want to dance with him and he ditches me?"
"He won't, he's such a darling. Just mention it to him even! C'mon"

These two mother fuckers won me over.

A few hours later, Harry returned to Brighton looking happier than ever. He'd gone to the Korean Market and got me all the snacks, foods and drinks I liked, which made me so happy.
"Sooo how was your day?" He asked me.
"Great! Went uni, hung out with Lavender and Delilah...we uh talked about the Fresher Parties" I told him as we put away the food.
"Oh, cool! Are you planning on going?"
"I dunno...I don't really have anyone to go with" I explained.
"Y' not going with your friends?"
"They have dates. And I didn't wanna fifth wheel. Their dates don't go to out Uni though"
"Oh, maybe you can bring Alex then! Or Blue if they're not busy" This man was fucking clueless.

"Are you that clueless Harry!?" I was not meant to say that out loud.
"Excuse me?" He got up and turned to me, a packet of prawn crackers in his hand.
"I want you to come with me" I told him shyly.
"Oh..." Yeah, you can imagine how he reacted. "Love..."
"Look if you don't want to it's fine" I mumbled awkwardly. "I um, just wanted a friend with me that's all"
"No, no! I'd love to, honestly it's so sweet of you to ask. But you do realise what you could be getting yourself into, right?"
"Harry, the whole uni knows we're friends. Literally no one says anything to me. Which is weird but...wow. Adulting's cool! No one cares"
"Like Niall Horan said, you don't get papped unless you want to get papped"
"Fair point. Okay, I'm in"
"Really!?" I jumped.
"Yeah, of course! It'll be fun!" He shrugged.
"Ahhh I love you i love you i love you!" I threw my arms round him and squealed, causing him to chuckle. "D'you want ramen?"
"Sure, I'll have some ramen"

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