8: Music

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"Women. La la la la la la la la la la la"

"You listen to such gay music" Lily scoffed.
"This song isn't gay!" I stammered.
"Youre a woman listening to a song called 'Woman'. Also, Harry Styles isn't straight. This whole playlist is gay!"
"No it isn't!"
"Uhh yes it is. Hayley Kiyoko, Halsey, Harry Styles...oh, they're all H's"
"Lily shut up. Water or juice?"
"Juice pleaseeee" she smiled.

I served my friend her pasta and juice before sitting down with her.
"Soooo...how are youuuu?" She asked.
"Im okay. Made a friend the other day. Been out a lot. You?"
"I'm good...missed you a lot. You should come up to London when you're free"
"Yeah, maybe if I do all my work I can come for the weekend"
"You should! You can even stay round mine if you want"
"I'll see if I can. You like the pasta?"
"Yeah it's nice. Proud of you for cooking"
"Thanks bitch. D'you wanna go out after this?"
"Sure! Can we go to HMV? I wanna get some vinyls"
"Uh sure yeah! Lets just finish up here"
"Sounds good!"

And like that, Lily and I walked down the streets of Brighton, sucking ice lollies as it was quite sunny.
"Hows work then?" I asked her.
"It's good! Making money and stuff. Thinkin' of moving out if it keeps going well"
"Ooh, you should! You'd love it - you're already such a Mum"
"I am, aren't I? You can stay at mine for gigs too!"
"You should stay at mine for gigs too! I live near some good venues!" I responded as we walked into the mall and headed to HMV.
"I think I'm gonna go see an indie band soon so you should come alone. Hey, maybe their record will be in HMV!"
"Could be. Easy Life right?"
"Yup. Wanna come with?"
"I think I have a gig that day already but I'll check. God, I'm tired"
"Up all night thinking of Giovanni?"
"Shut up Lily! We're here now" i sighed as we walked into HMV.
"Back again?" A worker with bright blue hair grinned.
"Its a lifestyle" I joked as Lily and I walked past him to the records.

"Found it!" Lily had found her precious Easy Life vinyl and was very happy. "You buyin' anything?"
"Nah...got enough records right now"
"Only almost one hundred"
"Hey! its a lifestyle!"
"It is, I agree. Okay, I'm gonna get this and the CD. You mind holding her?" She thrusted the vinyl in my direction and I took it from her while she looked through the E section of the CDs. I stared off into distance as she looked till someone was snapping their fingers in my face, causing me to snap out of my daydream. I looked up to see...Giovanni!? Again!?

"Afternoon Zahra. What a surprise" He smiled fondly.
"Oh hi. Uh yeah I'm just...holding my friends record" I gabbled awkwardly.
"Easy Life huh? My niece likes them"
"So does my friend" I didn't really know what to say...I don't really bump into teachers when I'm out doing my own thing.
But the blonde chuckled softly. "You like music Zahra?"
"A lot" I smiled a little.
"What would you say your favourite genre is?"
"I like a different things. Alternative, indie, rock, pop...even a bit of country. Taylor Swifts slaps in quite a few genres"

He's in his thirties at least, he won't know what 'slaps' means!

Oh but he did.
"I have to agree...I loved her self titled album in my teen years" He chuckled fondly.
"1989 will forever be my favourite album by her. That's what I listened to in my teen years"
We both shared smiles before I heard Lily.
"Zahra? Where are you?" Ah, she was lost.
"Better go save that lost puppy" I joked.
"See you in class Zahra"
"You too"

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