43: A couple but not a couple

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"Soooo...how did it go?" It was the next day and me and my friends were sitting in the canteen eating.
"We're...seeing each other"
"Aww!" Lav and Del squealed.
"Yup. We're...dating" I shrugged. "It's nice though"
"You're smiling so much!" Lav teased me.
"No shit I am. I adore him. He's so sweet...like i had a nightmare last night and woke up crying and he was awake because he couldn't sleep and he just...held me. And it helped me go back to sleep"
"Ugh I hate straight people" Delilah joked.
"Harrys not straight, he wears flared trousers"
"True. No straight man would dress that good"
"Yeah, labels dont mean shit. I'm a raging lesbian but my partner isn't. She just...doesn't care" Lavender added.

"So are you gonna tell your parents?" I really wish they didn't ask me that.
"Oh" Delilah sussed it out right away.
"What?" Yeah, I love Lavender but they were clueless.

I didn't like talking about myself. I hated it.

"Oh well, fuck them. But they will find out...Harrys all over the media. You're already his mystery girl. Like your Twitter was found and all but since then you've been doing well to hide yourself"
"Why thank you" I chuckled fondly. "We're staying round each others on weekends now - if theres am emergency he'll come to mine on a weekday"
"Like...maybe I'm having some bad thoughts. Or he's had a bad day and needs company"
"This is so healthy. I'm so proud of you two"
"Thanks...I'm glad I can talk to you guys about it"
"Aw of course love. We love you!" Lav smiled softly. "You seeing him today? Sorry, I just love hearing about it all"
"Yeah, just to talk more. He's staying over this weekend and going back home Monday morning"
"You two are such an attractive couple" Delilah giggled.
"He's sooo handsome, isn't he?" I smiled softly.
"Cant deny it. He is gorgeous. As is his girlfriend"

I didn't even correct her. I was his.

I went home that day, carrying my books in my tote bag. I entered my flat to the beautiful smell of cooking and saw my handsome lover in the kitchen area singing softly to himself. I hung my bag behind the door and slowly crept up on him before losing it and throwing my arms round his waist.
"You scared me darling" He chuckled, picking me up and placing me on the counter. "How are you?"
"Tired. You?" I replied as he kissed my hands over and over again gently.
"Same but...I'm happy"
"Why's that?" I asked as he turned the stove off.
"I've been seeing this really pretty girl recently. She makes me really happy" He had a shy smile on his face as he drained the pasta. While it cooled down he stood between my legs and cupped my cheeks with his warm palms, our noses nudging.  "You're so so beautiful love" He whispered, kissing my bitten lips softly.
"Thank you" I giggled shyly. "Are we going to...talk over dinner?"
"Yeah of course. Why dont you get comfortable? Dinner will be ready soon"
"Okay" I jumped off the counter and went to my room to change.

I got ready into one of Harrys t shirts and some pyjama shorts before taking off my make up and brushing down my short hair. I pulled on some cosy socks before leaving the room to see dinner was on the table. Harry was waiting for me patiently so I sat down opposite him and thanked him for the dinner before he told me I looked gorgeous which caused me to blush.

"I think we've done really well so far with boundaries" I told him as we tucked in.
"Me too. I'm proud of us" He agreed.
"I agree. I just worry about stuff because y'know, millions of people love you. And...it hasn't been easy"
"I know, I'm sorry darling"
"It isn't your fault. I'm gonna delete my Instagram anyway. I...dont like social media anymore" It wasn't even because of the malicious people who adored Harry anymore. "So I'm gonna flex you on my private account"
"Sounds good" He chuckled. "Also uh I wanted to...talk about consent in general"
"Harry, you know i dont mind you doing stuff"
"Okay yeah but...what if it gets to a point?" Ah, sex.
"Uhh we can talk about it when the time comes"
"Sure, that's okay"
"Also...I would love it if you could join me in my bed. It gets a bit lonely"

Yeah, I wanted to cuddle him and fall asleep in his arms and what about it?

"I would love that darling" He kissed my lips softly before smiling like an idiot and gazing into my eyes. "So...when can I take you on a date?"
"Maybe tomorrow evening?"
"Perfect. Okay...you should get y' work done and I'll tidy up"
"Noo, I'm helping. My house my rules"
"Thats not fair!" I shut him up with a sweet kiss on the lips before i took our bowls and went to put them in the sink

After we tidied, I sat at my desk and did some work whilst Harry read his book. As usual, he refilled my water and gave me loving kisses throughout and after i finished we just cuddled in my bed.
"What do I wear on our date?" I asked him.
"Hmmm...your favourite outfit" He replied
"Okay...sure" I giggled shyly. "Y' gonna tell me what you're planning?"
"Nope. Just stay casual though"
"Okay...its nothing scary right?"
"Who do you think I am?" He asked playfully.
"A serial killer?" We both burst into giggles before Harry got up and took off his clothes. I watched as he tore his t shirt off and tossed it in his suitcase then slid off his jeans. His tattoos were beautiful.
"You checking me out love?" He noticed me staring and I nodded shyly.
"C'mere, I wanna see them"

Harry laid on my bed whilst i sat on his torso, my legs either side of him and traced his tattoos.
"You're unreal Harry. You just...you're so gorgeous" I said softly,
"Took notes from this girl I'm seeing" He grinned cheekily.
"Oh shut up" I scoffed playfully.
"You asked" He replied smugly.

I wonder what kind of lover he is in the bedroom.


"I just...ahhhh...i like you a lot" I said.
"Yeah, it's very obvious" he giggled.
"Oh shut up Harry" I ruffled his curls before laying beside him. "Its still early...what d'you wanna do?"
"You ever wrestled someone you really like?"
"What like...playfully?"

"You are ON white boy"

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