14: Purple Rain

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We still on for today?

"I cant be bothered to type but yeah just let me know when you're coming" I spoke into my mic. Yeah, I was hanging out with Harry today after a few weeks of his car breaking down outside my flat. We were going to get food and go look for records so that was very exciting as I'm a whore for vinyls.

I got ready into a black oversized hoodie, blue wide leg jeans and my black fake doc martens - because who can afford real ones? I winged out my eye liner and brushed on some mascara before tying sections of my newly cut hair into small bunches on either side - wow, I can be cute when I try. I decided to put a little bit of highlight on my nose then took some dumb selfies for my Instagram story as I was bored and had time to pass. Delilah saw I'd posted and was hyping me up, bless them.
you look so cute🥺 have fun today! She messaged me. I also noticed Harry had texted me back too. After replying to Delilah, I checked the message from Harry.
Lovely hearing your voice. Be there in ten - he sent this literally ten minuets ago while i was changing.

My voice is annoying, what is he talking about?

Anyway, I thanked him and went to drink some juice as I was feeling very anxious. I also grabbed my beige tote bag off my hanger and double checked all my things were inside them right on cue there was a knock at my door. Ah, here's here. I sprayed on some perfume and dashed to the door and opened it to see Harry standing there holding his car keys. He was wearing a orange knit jumper and khaki green wide leg jeans along with his favourite CRUSTY white vans...which he's cleaned? Wow - good for him.

"Matching bags huh?" I said as I noticed his beige tote bag.
"It would seem so" He chuckled fondly. I noticed that his sunglasses sat perfectly on top of his dark curls. "You ready to go?"
"Uh yeah" I stepped outside and locked up before we walking down the pavement.
"You alright?" He asked me, noticing I was fidgeting a lot.
"Yeah, you?" I blabbered, desperate to change the subject.
"Yeah, I'm great! Glad I can finally relax, y'know? I've been coming here just to film recently so it's nice to be able to have fun but it not be work related" He responded.
"You're working with Emma Corrin. I am so jealous"
"Emma? Oh, we're old friends! Yeah, she's lovely! Really funny!" He grinned.
"They're so pretty" I said dreamily. Dreamily!? "Uh anyway, h-how's filming been going?" I stammered. Harry just chuckled as my cheeks grew red.
"Really good! It's so much fun honestly - love everyone there as well as the plot of the movie"
"Its...my favourite book" I blushed shyly.

"Really?" Harry smiled softly, clearly happy that I'd said that.
"Yeah. That and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Course of Love and this poetry book called Violets Bent Backwards Over Grass"
"The Course of Love is incredible. You mind if I recommend you some stuff? You seem like a big reader"
"I'd love that" I responded with a shy smile.
"Notes on Camp...so fucking good. In Watermelon Sugar too and yes that's the name of one of my songs. Love is a Dog, You Get So Alone At Times It Just Makes Sense - title says it all with that one"
"Wow...hey, we should stop at the bookshop later! It'll probably have some of those titles"
"Sure...sooo...you gonna recommend me anything?" He nudged me causing me to jump slightly at his touch and move away a bit.
"Uhh...I-i really like Little Women. A-and Mary, Queen Of Scots. Don't think you'd like them though" I blabbered awkwardly.
"I'll give them a read - maybe I'll like them more than you do" He teased me.
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try big boy" I realised that my joke could have come across the wrong way but Harry laughed so hard that his nose scrunched.
"You're on" He challenged me.

Eventually, we made it to the main town and went to HMV.
"Ah, this is where I first saw you" Harry spoke.
"Why'd you come in?" I asked as I looked through "H" to find Halsey records.
"Wanted to find new stuff. Got any recommendations?" I was so fucking insecure about my music taste - I liked every genre really, so it was difficult. And I was made fun of twenty four seven no matter what.
"Uhh...have you ever heard of Dodie?" I asked.
"No, not really. Who are they?"
"They're a singer from London. Also a YouTuber. She released her first album a while ago and well I-i've been a fan since she released her first EP uh anyway not the point, her albums very good so..." I spotted the record in display behind me and picked it up. "This is my...recommendation"

"Awesome. Thank you" Harry smiled softly as I gave him the vinyl. "So...which songs your favourite?"
"Oh uh Boys Like You a-and Guiltless. I like Sorry and Cool Girl too though - they're very...pretty" I gulped. Why was I so scared? What was the matter with me? Harry had come to Brighton to see me yet I was acting like this? Right on cue, I heard a familiar voice singing and I looked up at the speaker on the ceiling.
"That's them" I smiled softly.
"Wow. Their voice is amazing. What song is this?"
"Boys Like You. So...whats my recommendation?" I asked him.
"Hmmm...you like Prince?"
"I know of him. Never really listened to his stuff" i replied before we walked over the right section.

Harry handed me a record that read "Purple Rain".
"I can listen to this while I make badges" I joked, causing him to chuckle.
"Here, I'll take these"
"Wh-Harry, I can pay for my own stuff thank you. I'm not that broke" I scoffed.
"Hey, it's a gift!"
"Okay, give me the Dodie vinyl then"
"Wh-Harry, give it!" I tried snatching it from him but he was holding it up high...mother fucker was taller than me.

Mother fucker also made me freeze up because I started to remember some things that I wish I didn't have to remember.

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