60: Coffee with Giovanni

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"Alright you're all free to go! Zahra, stay behind"

For fuck sake.

"I'll wait outside" Delilah whispered before she left the classroom. I packed away my things and sat there, waiting for everyone to leave before Giovanni shut the door.
"How are you?" He asked. Oh.
"Uh i'm okay" I replied.
"You reek of cigarettes darling"

Only Harry calls me darl-never mind.

"I'm fine. Honestly" I lied. Yeah Zahra, you don't cry yourself to sleep every night huh?
"Very well. But I do need to speak to you regarding your academia performance. You've fallen behind. Everyone did their presentations last week" I don't even want to do mine, give me a break. "Zahra, are you listening!?"
"Yes!" I shot, getting irritated with him.

Giovanni just sighed. "Come with me"
"Huh?" I stammered:
"We're going to take a trip to the Starbucks on campus. C'mon" He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the door. Delilah was outside on her phone and her eyed widened.
"Help" I mouthed.
"I saw that" Giovanni scolded me as he pulled me down the corridor.

Well this was fucking weird.

"So...what's really going on?" He asked me. He was sipping a flat white whilst I had a hibiscus tea in front of me.
"I'm going through a break up" I told him plainly.
"That doesn't explain your cigarette addiction and reckless actions" He gestured to my self harm scars which were now light pink.
"It does. You get y' heart broken and do fucked up shit. Right?"
"Zahra, as your teacher I am concerned for your mental health and well being and I've spoken to the counsellor here who has arranged for us two to meet daily to talk"
"Talk? About what?"
"You. Get to know you more, you can let things off your chest...what do you think?" He asked.
"I think it wont do shit" I said plainly.
"Very well. It's compulsory though or I have to call your parents"
"Wh-I'm 19! I don't need them running after me!"
"You tried to kill yourself"
"No I didn't"
"Wh-Zahra I need to to co operate! Whether you did or not, you put yourself at risk. Its serious. Its your funeral at the end of the day"
"Fine. See you tomorrow" I got up from my chair and flounced off as i took a cigarette out of my pocket - I really couldn't be bothered to argue.

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