40: A Kiss

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"Okay well, I'll talk to you soon. Have fun" I said into the phone. Harry had gone back to London for a bit for therapy and he was slowly doing better. We hadn't seen each other much but I did go up to London last Saturday and we went to the park for a picnic.
"I will love. I promise I'll be back soon"
"Harry, don't worry about it. If you wanna stay in London its fine, we can easily just travel to each other on weekends"
"And not wake up to your face?"
"Hey, don't say that! I'll fall in love!" I joked.
"What?" Oh god, he really didn't understand my humour.
"Harry, I'm joking"
"Oh right! Yeah, uh of course you are! Uhh..."


The call finally ended and I picked up my bag. But then my phone buzzed.

Lavender💜: hey bby im sososos sorry but i wont b able to make it :( emergency back home in Bristol w family. Promise to make it up to you.

Me: aw dont worry, i hope everything's okay :) let ne know if you need anything.

Lavender💜: love you love you :(

Well then, I guess I'm not going. I sighed and put my bag down before getting into some khaki shorts and a black t shirt. I looked at my thighs and sighed before i went to do some homework.

I'd done about half an hours worth till I got a text.

Unknown: Meet me at the Pret on Coldean Lane

Me: who is thus?

Unknown; Bold of you to forget me again

Fuck sake. I slipped my doc martens on, picked up my bag and walked out of my door in annoyance.

I walked into Pret and immediately spotted him drinking an Americano. I sat down and saw a smoothie was sitting there...he remembered my favourite.
"Nice to see you Cherry" My heart sank when he called me that.
"Please, don't" I sighed.
"What? You dont like hearing your name?"
"You dickhead, you know that's not my name"
"Whatever" He rolled his eyes dramatically.
"What do you want?" I asked, not touching my smoothie.
"You" He put down his coffee and looked me in the eye. "Come back to London and we start again"
"I cant just leave, I live here now. And I cant live with my parents while we...y'know..."
"Then tell them!"
"Tell them what? I thought I was someone else?"
"You're lying to yourself - again"
"Or maybe you just cant accept the truth"

Harlow picked up my smoothie and slammed it against the table. Yellow icy bits flew everywhere and all eyes were on us.
"You're a fucking pussy, you know? You just run away instead of dealing with things! This is why everyone fucking hated you a-and your parents hate you...all your little trender friends and boyfriend will know the fucking truth and theres NOTHING you can do about it"

I walked into my flat, tears streaming down my cheeks. Sobs escaped my mouth as I threw down my bag. I spotted a Mickey Mouse suitcase next to the sofa and almost screamed.
"Zahra?" Oh god why was Harry here? Fuck, he'd come back. He entered the room, only in tracksuit bottoms. His hair was wet and his vibrant tattoos were out in the open. All i wanted was for him to hug me and tell me everything was okay.
"Love, whats the matter?" He rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms.
"Just mean people" I sniffled.
"Dyou wanna talk about it? Or maybe something else?" Yeah, he deffo went to therapy.
"Im fine" I pulled away and picked up my bag and went to my room. Harry seemed a bit confused but he probably gathered that I needed space.

I sat on the floor sobbing my heart out. He would find out and as would Delilah and Lavender. The thoughts running through my head were dark and scary and I had to make them stop...but maybe i wanted them to carry on so I could end them.

Fuck sake.

"Zahra? Are you okay?" I'd been in here for ages, just crying to sad music. Breathe, like Harry taught me...wait how was I meant to do it? I crawled to the door, unlocked it and opened it to see Harry standing there.
"How do you...breathe?" I croaked out. Harry walked inside and knelt down beside me.
"In through your nose, out through y' mouth. Here, I'll show you" He gripped my shaking hands with his and guided me

Eventually, I was calm and wiping away my tears.
"Thank you" I croaked.
"Anytime" Harry replied, his arm round me.
"Im sorry I'm like this" I sighed.
"Don't worry love, you'll be fine"
"Mhm" I sniffled.
"C'mon, whats up?"
"You know you can tell me anything, i just want you to be okay"
"Oh really? Well, you don't exactly open up to me either"
"Yeah, you're all like oh talk to me!! But when d'you ever talk to me Harry?"
"Like, I'm really fucking worried about you and I want you to be okay but you shut me out! You didn't before, we were fine and we talked. Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong? Do you not like me anymore or somethi-"

I was cut off short by Harrys warm hands gripping my cheeks as he connected our lips together.

Yeah, you heard right. Harry fucking kissed me. I kissed back, my arms round his neck as our lips synched together. Eventually, he pulled away but our foreheads were connected as we both caught our breathe before we gazed into each others eyes.
"Do it again" I said timidly. "Please"

Harrys hands made their way to my waist as he lifted me onto his lap and pulled me into another sweet kiss. I never wanted him to stop. I wanted to feel his lips on time, his hands on my cheeks...

Fuck, I think I'm falling for him.

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