15: The Book Shop

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"Zahra? Zahra are you alright?"

I snapped out of my daydream to see Harry looking concerned.
"What?" I'd completely forgotten what was going on.
"You...kinda zoned out"
"Oh, I do that" I snatched the Dodie vinyl off him and grinned.
"Wh-mother fucker"
"Haaahaaaaa" I teased him, praying he forgot about my little freak out.

We left eventually and headed to the bookshop nearby, giggling.
"So...you like my music?"
"Of course I do. Who doesn't? I'm not tasteless"
"Right okay" He chuckled, his cheeks tinting red. "What's your favourite song then?"
"I can't pick just one" I reasoned.
"Tough" He teased me. I scoffed playfully at what he said.
"Only Angel"
"Really!? Not many people pick that one"
"That and Sign of The Times, Golden and Sunflower"
"Uh uh uh, I said one!"
"Okay I like Only Sign of the Golden Sunflower"
"Wh-nice fucking try!"
"Oh please! What's your favourite then?"
"It hasn't been released yet" He grinned cheekily.


"You...you did this for what!?"
"Why not?" He giggled
"Okay, songs that are released?"
"Ahhh, taste"
"Why thank you. I wrote it myself"
"Liar" I teased him.
"Okay, I didn't but I was having a moment"
"As you should though"
"Whats your least favourite song then?"
"Uhhhh..." I knew I couldn't say it. I didn't want to offend him.
"You have a least favourite!"
"Pfft what?"
"Tell me!" He pleaded me.
"I don't wanna upset you"
"I wont be upset! I like hearing about this stuff"

"Okay...I dont hate it I just...I skip it because...too much repetition"
"Watermelon Sugar?"
"I would never slander Watermelon Sugar. Ever Since New York however..."
"I'm sorry! I don't hate it I just...I don't like repetition. I don't always skip it though"
"Youre tasteless"
"Hey, I don't hate it! I just listen to it the least...oh we're here!"

We entered the shop to see it was quiet and empty - did no one come here!?"
"Ah, here it is" Harry picked up a copy of Notes On Camp which was on display at the front whilst I was staring in awe at the dusty shelves. Dark academia vibes much? I was too busy looking around to notice Harry nudging me again. I snapped out of my daydream and picked up a random book to cover it up.
"Oh, I-i've always wanted to read this"
"Zahra, that's a dictionary"

For fuck sake.

"And? You never wanted to read every single word in an Oxford Dictionary?" I asked him.
"Well...no..." He admitted.
"Only joking" I put the dictionary down before telling him I was going to look around but he followed. "Hey, gimmie that book" I said, referring to Notes On Camp.
"Uh uh! It's my gift to you!"
"Wh-Harry enough with this...oh look!" I pulled a copy of Love Is A Dog off the shelf.
"Such a good read honestly"
"It better be or I'm suing"
"With what money?"
"Harry, I'm not that broke thank you very much!"
"A-are you...Harry Styles?" We looked up to see a young girl in her early twenties wearing a lanyard - ah, she worked here.
"I'm gonna go look for other stuff" I said to Harry as I knew fans valued their time with their stans.
"Sure! I'll be here" We fist bumped before I sauntered off, letting them be alone.

Yeah, I'd had my fair share meeting famous people so I knew time was valuable. I skimmed every single shelf, desperate to find something interesting. It was empty so of course I could hear Harry talking to the fan who seemed shy but they were talking about books and seemed to be getting on.

I eventually returned to Harry who was holding five books whilst I had about ten. Yeah, the obsession was real.
"Wow. You had fun" He chuckled.
"It would seem so" I responded as I put them all on the counter as the girl rushed to the counter.
"You need a bag?" she asked.
"Uh no" I replied awkwardly.
"Twelve pounds please" Gotta love independent book shops. I tapped my card on the reader while Harry stood next to me in a protective way - yeah, you heard right. I shrugged it off and put my books in my tote bag.
"Can I come back for these?" He gabbled.
"Sure! I can keep them aside for a day or two" Claire replied - I read her lanyard.
"Thank you. Pleasure to meet you. C'mon Zahra" He tucked his hand into mind and pulled me out of the shop quickly.
"Uhhhh..." I was so confused.

"Why're you being weird?" I asked him.
"Uhh...some guy came into the shop and was taking pictures of you" He replied.
"I signalled him to back off and all but...didn't want anything else to happen"
"I hate men...except you, you're nice"
"An behalf of all men, I apologise"
"It's fine. One day I'll be rich and dismantle the patriarchy and marry Elizabeth Gillies"

Did I just make a gay joke!?

"Uh...w-what d'you wanna do now?" I stammered, letting go of his hand.
"What about we get food and go back to yours?" He suggested.
"You just gave me the best idea!" I looked up at him, stars in my eyes.
"I did?"
"Yes, yes you did. D'you mind if I do this?" I slid my arm through his.
"Not at all. Uhh...what's your idea though?"
"You'll see. C'mon, we're going Sainsburys!"

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