38: Giovannis Help

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Delilah and I were back to sitting next to each other in class which was nice as I'd missed them. Of course her friends weren't pleased but we ignored them happily. Giovanni was still acting very...weird. Whenever he peered over at my work he would stand very close to me - so close that I could feel his breathe tickle my skin. He was very handsome though...

I mean anyway...

Guess which mother fucker I saw in the Lanes last week?


Harry asked me about him the other day and I just told him he was an old friend because I sure as hell am NOT telling him about whats going on.

"Surprise bitch" I jumped and turned around, clearly startled to see Harlow standing there looking smug.
"What now?" I sighed.
"Just my daily dose of tormenting you"
"And for why?"
"Why!? Why!? You fucked me over, that's why!"
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"
"Sorry won't do shit, you ignorant little bitch"
"Look, what can I do to make this right? I'll do anything"
"Ha, you're too late. I'm gonna tell that boyfriend of yours who you really are"
"He's not my boyfriend! A-and he won't believe you"
"He won't believe the screenshots? The proof?"

He still had our old text messages.

"He'll fucking leave and so will everyone else. And you'll be alone all over again"

Being alone was something I'd experienced a lot and I learnt to be okay with it. But I didn't want Harry to leave me...I loved him.

Maybe more than I thought I did.

Wait what?

"Oi, I'm talking to you!" Oh yeah, that dickhead was still here.
"I need to go" I gulped. Yeah, he scared me - a lot. I stepped away from him and walked away quickly but of course that son of a bitch followed me so I walked faster.

Soon enough, I was running as fast as I could to escape his presence. I realised I was by the station and dashed inside, into Superdrugs. I steadied my breathing as I walked around the store, tears in my eyes.
"I'm always stumbling into you somehow"


I turned around to see Giovanni standing there, a fond smile on his face.
"What a coincidence" I replied, blinking back my tears.
"Are you alright Zahra?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"Uh yeah! Yeah, I'm great!" I lied. How was I meant to leave the shop, knowing he could find me.
"You look quite scared. Has someone hurt you? Or attempted to?" He looked past me and anger filled his eyes. Fuck, he'd seen Harlow.
"Yeah uh...just being followed"
"Right, stay by me. I'll walk you out so that pest doesn't hurt you"

What the fuck?

But like that, we both walked out of the shop. Harlow was of course watching us, hatred burning in his eyes. I had to get the bus back home so Giovanni walked me to my bus stop and waited with me. I was a bit distant because of what he did to me a few weeks ago but he was my only way out. The talk was small but I was grateful but eventually he apologised for his inappropriate actions and i forgave him due to his heroic acts today. As soon as my bus came, we bid farewell and I got on safely.

I arrived back to my flat and immediately got into some comfortable clothes and took off my make up. My skin was awful right now and I cried myself to sleep every night over it.
"Afternoon darling!" Harry called as he walked through the door and saw me looking in the mirror and sighing. "Aw, why so glum?"
"Why do I look like this?" I mumbled.
"Like what? A beautiful angel?"

God, he made my heart glow with happiness.

"Shut up you're so handsome" I scoffed.
"Oh stop it" He blushed. "Whats up?"
"To put it bluntly, I feel so ugly" I shrugged.
"Noo, no you're far from that!"
"Uhuh" My acne looked terrible...I literally wanted to cry.
"Hey, acne is apart of life. Okay and even if you have it, you're still absolutely gorgeous"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I got off the floor and went to find my laptop so I could look for some products to get rid of the torture on my skin.
"That was actually funny but I refuse to laugh. Also, have you eaten?"
"Uhhh..." I tried thinking back then rememberedI was debating whether I wanted Itsu or Wagamamas but then stumbled into Harlow. "Shit"
"It's okay! I'll make you something - what d'you fancy?"
"A boyfriend" I joked.
"Huh?" Harry turned around quickly, startled.
"Harry, I'm joking..." Why did he look...scared? Shocked? Oh god he didn't think I meant him, did he?
"Oh right! Uh yeah of course!" he stammered before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door quickly.

What the fuck just happened?

I shrugged it off and went to make myself some instant noodles as I was too lazy to cook. I snacked on some prawn crackers and water too as I needed to drink more AND i love crackers. Harry had been in the bathroom for a while so I knocked on the door and asked if he was okay.
"Uhh yeah, yeah" He sniffled. Oh no, he was crying.
"Are you sure? D'you need a hug or anything?"

The door unlocked and Harry stood there, his eyes puffy.
"What's the matter bae?" Yeah, I call my friends that.
"Nothing, i'm fine" He mumbled, not looking at me.
"If you wanna talk about it, I'm here"
"I said I was fine!" He snapped. He realised his mistake when he saw tears welling up in my dark eyes. "Oh darling I'm sorry"
"You could have just said no" I whimpered.
"I know, I'm so sorry" He put an arm round my and kissed my head softly. "I'm gonna have an early night"
"Okay, good idea" I wiped my eyed gently with my sleeve and sniffled.
"I love you. Thank you for checking in"

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