34: Harlow

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Today, Lavender and I went to the Sussex Market and got some cute clothes and accessories. We also went to the Japanese food store nearby and sat down inside the cafe and talked while eating sushi and gyoza.
"You started your project?" They asked.
"Not yet. You?" I replied.
"Yeah, a bit. I've been sooo sleep deprived lately 'cos me and my friends have been drinking sooo much lately...theres a club by the seafront we go to"
"Oh shit well I hope you fix your sleep schedule"
"Thanks. How are you?" They responded.
"Im alright. Bored as fuck. Tired of working twenty four seven but it's fine - my friends staying over for a bit so thats nice"
"Thats cool! What are they like?"
"Oh uh he's lovely!"

Yeah, they sussed it out straight away.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's he like? Like you two are friends and all so..."
"He's very sweet. Really really kind and caring"
"You're blushing!" They teased me.
"Whaaat!? No I'm not!"
"Are you two romantically involved!?"
"No! No, no o-of course not!"
"Okay, that was invasive of me to ask but...really? I assumed you two were considering how close you are but then again, my friends and I are affectionate too"
"Yeah we're just close. He's adorable though, I'm not gonna lie"
"In what way?"
"He's very loving. Gives me lots of hugs which is really sweet. He's got a nice smile too. Always saying kind things and dancing around. Makes me feel good to be around him, y'know?"
"Just friends huh?"
"Shut up Lavender!"

We parted ways an hour later and I got the train back to my flat. Harry wasn't in (I assumed he'd gone on a walk) so I took my time putting my stuff away. My Mum had rang me again and I yet again didn't answer...she was not pleased with me right now. And I really didn't want to deal with her bull crap- or my Dads.

I went to the fridge and searched for some milk as I wanted to bake cupcakes but I noticed we'd ran out. I let out a sigh before I put my shoes on, before grabbing my bag and unlocking my front door.

I walked up and down the aisle and sighed as I searched for semi skimmed milk. Oat will have to do I guess. I picked two up and headed to the tills when a familiar voice was calling my name...no, not this again. I tried controlling my breathing like how Harry taught me and it worked wonders, bless him. But the person hadn't left. He was standing right in front of me now, his beady eyes staring into mine.

"Hi Harlow" I gulped. He looked almost the same...except this time his hair was bright pink rather than forest green and his nose stud was now a gold hoop. I noticed he'd pierced his septum too -something we both agreed to do one day.
"Hey Zahra! That's what you go by...right?"
"Uhm yeah" I stammered. "Uhh w-what're you doing in Brighton?"
"Dropped out of school, remember? Staying with m' Dad near Churchill Square"

For Fuck sake.

"Right okay...um I need to go but...I'll see you soon?" I gabbled, attempting to escape.
"Running away? Again?"
"You already fucked off here to get away and now you're trying to do it again?"
"No uh someones just waiting for me"
"Who? Your little celebrity friend?" He was gritting his teeth in anger now, as he stepped closer to me.

Before he could say anything else, a soft sweet voice called my name.
"Zahra?" Harry, my knight is shining fucking armour had just walked past the aisle and spotted us.
"Looks like he's already arrived" Harlow hissed.
"Leave him alone" I pleaded him.
"Not long till he knows the real you" He added as I dashed over to Harry and pulled him to the tills.
"Wh-You're not gonna introduce me?" He questioned me.
"He doesn't like you" I replied, looking him dead in the eye.
"Oh" Yeah, he was confused but it was for the best.
"Uhh what are you doing here?"
"Needed gum 'nd a snack. Are you alright? You're shaking again. Here" He took the milk from me and held my arm with his other hand as he led us to a self checkout machine.

We didn't speak the entire walk home. You can imagine it was pretty awkward and I had no explanation for what had just happened. The awkwardness stopped once I headed to the bathroom to cry, but Harry pulled me into a hug and let me cry on him which was better.
"N-nothings wrong I just...I just needed to cry" I sniffled into his t shirt.
"It's okay. Sometimes you just need to cry" He said gently into my soft brown hair.
"Whats wrong with me? W-why am I like this?"
"Hey no, nothings wrong with you. if you want I can take you to see a doctor about your mental health and we can see whats going on, yeah?"
"Uhm...I-I don't know...uh..."
"You don't need to decide now love, just know that I'm here for you"
"I'm here for you too Harry. I love you"
"I love you too...

more than I planned to"

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