12: Phone Call

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I picked at my bottom lip gently before Delilah tore my hand away.
"Earth to Zahra? What's up?" She asked.
"Uh nothing. What did you say?" I replied.
They let out a sigh in frustration. "I wanted to ask you if I could photocopy your annotations? I accidentally binned mine"
"Yeah sure uh let's go to the library"

We threw our empty chip boxes away and headed to the library briskly.
"You've been spacing out a lot" Delilah spoke.
"Just been having trouble sleeping" I replied.
"Lavender spray helps with that. C'mon, let's do my shit then get you food" Delilah laced their arm through mine and hurried us up a bit.
"Walk please!" A teachers voice boomed through the hallway.
"Whatever" Delilah muttered, speeding us up. "Hey what happened on Saturday?"
"Someone came knocking and their car had broke down" I gabbled.
"Ohhh. Good of you to help them" We made it to the library and headed straight to the printer.

After photocopying the work, Delilah asked if I wanted to go out for food.
"Uh sure, where were you thinking?" I replied.
"McDonalds? The food they serve here sucks"
"Sure let's go. Uhh how do we get there?"
"'S only a ten minuet walk. What you gonna get?"
"Probably the fish burger meal"
"Nice one! I'm getting the veggie one"
"Are you vegetarian?"
"Yup. I don't really like the taste of meat. Fish has a weird texture at times so I don't bother with it"
"I get you. Tune has an odd texture" I replied as my phone rang. harry i read.

Yeah, Harry and I talked now and it wasn't bad. I was a very bad texter and took ages to reply but he understood that I was busy a lot - as was he. He was a musician/actor/model and i was a full time student with a  small business - and very sleep deprived.
"Take it if you need to" Delilah assured me.
"You sure? I can call him back"
"S'all good" She responded as she lit her cigarette.

"Hiiii. How you doinggg?" Harry chirped. He was always so cheerful - I could never relate.
"I'm alright just going McDonalds. How are you?" I replied.
"I'm doing really good thanks! Lesson go alright?"
"Y-yeah it was alright. Did you have filming today?"
"Yeah, I'm on my lunch break right now but wanted to call you...uh...would you...would you wanna get together soon?"
"What like...hang out?"
"Yeah, if you're not busy this weekend"
"I shouldn't be. W-what did you have in mind?"
"What do you like to do hmm?" For fuck sake, I hates talking about myself. He always asked about me which was very sweet but it's the last thing I want to do all the time.
"Uhh...record and book shopping. Thrifting. Picnics"
"What about we look for records and books then?"
"Uh sure! Yeah that sounds good uh d'you wanna discuss more later?"
"Yeah of course! I'll let you go now but I'll text you later. Have fun at McDonalds"
"I will. Have fun...filming. Bye" I ended the call quickly and looked over at Delilah who was giggling. "What!?"
"You're so awkward...it's cute though"

We made it to McDonalds, ordered our food and went to the nearby park to have a picnic.
"I fucking hate this class" Delilah scoffed. "The teachers weird and it isn't what I expected"
"You thinking of changing?"
"Yeah probably. Don't like it. Giovani seems to like you though" They teased me.
"Oh shut up! He just likes that I like reading"
"Yeah but it's a bit too much. He's always giving you smiles"
"It's because I answer a lot. Also if you do change courses, what you gonna do?"
"Dunno. Criminology probably. Try'na be the she they Jake Peralta, y' get me?"
"Ahh...the alternative version of our favourite detective?" I grinned.
"Precisely. Oh, who was that on the phone?"
"Just a friend...wants to meet up"
"Ooooh is it a date?" Delilah wiggled their eye brows causing me to roll my eyes, a laugh escaping her mouth.

"It's not a date Delilah! I barely know him!" But I want to know him.

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