10: Wagamamas for Breakfast

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"Excuse me? Uh, could you help me?" I looked up to see a tall brunette man wearing sunglasses on the pavement.
"Uh yeah sure" I stammered.
"My cars broken down and I'm new to this are. D'you know who I can call?" Why was his voice so familiar?
"Uh no sorry, I'm new too" I replied awkwardly.
"That's alright...for fuck sake" He then spotted my jumper and grinned. "I love your jumper"

My life literally flashed before my eyes because I realised who I was speaking to.

"Oh! Thanks?" No fucking way was the devil himself standing in front of me. He was fucking smirking.
"Pleasure to meet you. And your name is?"
"Zahra. Uhh...d'you...wanna come in?"
What the actual fuck are you doing Zahra? You just invited one of your favorite singers into your tiny ass studio flat!
"Sure, if that's alright with you. Could use some company till I figure out what to do" He took his sunglasses off to reveal the most gorgeous olive green eyes I'd ever seen. It really was him. His arms were covered with a denim jacket but I spotted his cross tattoo and glittering rings easily.
"Yeah of course. I was just uh about to eat my breakfast" I gestured him inside confidently and held up the bag.
"Isn't in lunch time?"
"Yeah...you coming?"
"Oh uh yeah!" He was so fucking tall. I knew he was tall but I didn't know he was THIS tall. He was 6" while I was at least 5"4 so what did I expect?

"Ignore how small it is, student loans can only do so much" I replied as I locked the door.
"Wow...nice place" He actually sounded amazed.
"Thanks. Uh if you wanna take your jacket off you can, I'll hang it up" C'mon, it was my first guest that wasn't Lily or Alex so I was excited. To be honest, I was very good when to meeting celebrities. I always thought if I met Harry I'd cry or have a panic attack but I just invited him into my house and told him I was eating Wagas for breakfast so I was doing pretty well.
"Thank you...so...you're in uni?"
"Yeah. D'you want some water?"
"Sure, yeah" He replied as I hung his jacket up behind the door.
"Have you tried googling any help for your car?"
"Yeah but uh it didn't go so well" He admitted as he sat down. He was stunning - like there was attractive but then there was being literally flawless.
"I'll ask my friend if she knows anyone"
"Oh no I can wait! You have...breakfast after all"

Yeah, he was already concerned because of my breakfast choice.

"Its fine" I got him some water and typed away on my phone to Delilah - who I now classed as a friend.
"So...where d'you go?" Ah, he wanted to know me - well I did invite him into my home.
"Brighton" I responded before I put my phone down.
"Oh cool! What are you studying?"
"English Lit and Writing"
"Really? What's it like?" I'd known this man for five minuets yet he already wanted to know my life story. And shy little me wanted to just cry because of how awkward I was being.
"Its...alright. Only been here two weeks" Right on cue, my phone buzzed.

Delilah: Yeah, in Eastbourne. But it don't open till 3 bc of renovations

"Theres a place in Eastbourne but it doesn't open till three today because of renovations" I told the brunette as I put the kettle on.
"Oh for fuck sake" He muttered.
"Yeah but you're welcome to stay here till it opens"
"Are you sure? Aren't you busy?" He spotted my open laptop and paper on my desk.
"I literally just got out of bed, it's fine" I said as I carried on making his tea.

Harry fucking Styles was in my kitchen, why was I not screaming?

"So uh...since you're stuck here for a while...can I get you anything?" I asked as I sipped my tea.
"No, I'm good thanks. Where are you from?"
"Really!? What part?"
"East London. Y'know with all the weed and stabbings?"
Harry chuckled but realised I was being dead serious when he saw my face as I went to warm up my food which was now cold.
"I feel like I recognise you" He suddenly said. "Do you go record shopping a lot?"

My eyes widened as I turned around.
"Y-you gave my friend the Fine Line vinyl!" WAIT, THAT WAS HIM!?
"That's how I know you!" He grinned fondly. "Thought I recognised those eyes"
My eyes!? What was that supposed to mean?
"The world is small...and thank you for giving my friend the vinyl. She's very happy with it"
"Happy to help. Does she live around here?"
"Nah. Up in London. But she visits when she can"
"That must be nice...you like it here then?"
"Ive only been here a little while but...its nice. Better than London thats for sure"
"I like all the bright houses" He smiled softly. And what a captivating smile. It could light up a whole world.
"Would have loved one of those but being a student means im broke"
"Maybe one day you'll have one. Theyre...pretty"

"So...you aren't blonde" I gulped, attempting to joke around. And somehow it worked because Harry laughed fondly.
"Yeah...I'm still me. I take it you saw Twitter"
"Yeah, the tweets were funny" I smiled shyly. "Everyone was going crazy"
"I know, it was mad" He took a sip of his water gingerly. "Your place is nice though"
"Thanks" I sat down and finally dug into my food which was delicious. "Uh if you want I can find the phone number for you and you can call the company at three"
"Yeah, I'd like that! Thank you so much, you're being so sweet"

Harry Styles just called me sweet. My cheeks flushed red as I mumbled a 'thank you'.
"No really, you're being so helpful and I really appreciate it"

Thats my flaw Harry. I'm too fucking helpful and sweet.

Scared Of Heights | Harry Edward StylesWhere stories live. Discover now