30: London

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"You alright love?" The next day Harry and I went up to London, to his house which was absolutely beautiful. I was stunned at how well it suited his personality...he really knew what he liked!

Anyway, he was downstairs with his associates whilst I was upstairs in his room, doing some work and listening to Megan Thee Stallion (because why not?). But he came to check in regularly and get me snacks.
"Yeah, just tired. You?" I asked as i took a sip of my Monster.
"I'm doing great! Everything's great yeah, just movie stuff. Wish you could hear about what's going on" He replied.
"Oh well...I can annotate Lolita instead"

We both chuckled before Harry gave me a quick hug and went back downstairs, a smile on his face. I carried on reading and highlighting away till my phone rang. I glanced over, picked it up and saw Delilahs name on the screen. Anxiety filled my mind as memories rushed into my head. I declined the call but of course that led to her messaging me.

Hi can we talk? Maybe meet up Xxx

not in bton rn, whats up?

Just wanted to talk abt what happened the other day :/ You didn't come in the next day

yh I was ill.  Big fucking lie.

Can I ring you?

im w someone rn. Another lie.

With Harry?

does that rlly matter :/

I'll take that as a yes

bruh what do u want

To talk :/

I'll just get to it

I'm sorry abt my friends. What they said was fucked nd you didn't deserve that.

they shld b saying sorry, not u

I knowwww but they dont think they did anything wrong


I didn't think u heard :/

LOL what kinda bs apology is this pls

Can you not be rude?

Bruv this isnt an apology wtf are u doing? Get blocked lmao

And like that...I blocked her. I was feeling so anxious and sick so I stood up for a bit and walked around but it didn't help. Water maybe?

I crept downstairs to get myself a glass of water and on my way I walked past the main room to see a group of people laughing, drinking lemonade. Harry was there too, smiling gleefully. I carried on walking and went to fill up my empty glass when I heard someone say "Can anyone hear running water?"


"Oh that's my friend, yeah she's uh staying over this weekend" Harry gabbled.
"Staying over huh?" Oh for fuck sake.
"We're just friends!" The mother fucker was giggling. "Plus, she has standards"
"Oh Harry don't put yourself down! But it's good you have company, it can get pretty lonely"
"Yeah...it can..." He sounded a bit sad when he said that. "Would you...like to meet her?"
NO. God no Harry, please.
"Sure! We'd love to!"

There was no time for me to run upstairs and dodge this. Harry came into the kitchen and saw me looking freaked out.
"Are you okay? You look scared" He said in a concerned tone.
"I uh don' t like meeting new people" I admitted shyly.
"Oh love, don't worry! They're lovely honestly. C'mon just a quick hello won't hurt"
"No Harry please don't make me do this" I pleaded him. He could se in my eyes how terrified I look and realised this was more serious than he thought. But I felt such immense guilt that I just went to the living room.
"Hi. I'm Zahra" I said.


Anyway, after meeting them all I scampered back upstairs to finish my work off. Harry didn't follow as he felt really guilty but they all left soon enough and I could hear him making lunch. I tidied my things away before sauntering down to the kitchen.
"Whatcha doin'?" I asked the tall brunette.
"Makin' lunch. You finish with y' work?"
"Yup. Finally" I sighed as he offered me a bite of his sandwich to which I politely declined.
"Sorry about before" He replied awkwardly.
"It's fine. Y' didn't mean any harm. How're you?"
"Good! Really good, all went well. You?"
"Hungry. D'you have any more bread?"
"Help y'self love. Since we're done for the day, d'you wanna do anything?"
"Get pissed out drunk in a park" I replied.
"Yeah, kinda. Or we can go to Pret"
"Yeah, I'm liking that idea more"

We put our jackets on and walked to Pret, barging each other on the way as sniggers left our mouthes - we were very childish despite us being adults. We spotted paparazzi cameras on the way and I flipped them off causing Harry to grab my hand and pull me away.

"You make very silly choices" He sighed as we walked into Pret A Manger.
"I know"

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