31: Anxiety Attack

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"I...can't believe that"

The next day, Harry had suggested we went bike riding but when I told him I didn't know how to ride a bike he was adamant to teach me. I was worried as I didn't know HOW to ride a bike (no shit Sherlock) and I was scared of falling off but he was very persuasive. And after what felt like ages, I knew how to ride a bike.

"I'm so proud of you!" He put an arm round me and gave me a gentle squeeze as we headed into Tescos to get some water.
"Thanks for forcing me to ride a bike" I giggled as we each took a bottle of water off the shelf. "I'm gonna get a snack, I'm hungry"
"D'you wanna maybe get some lunch?" He offered.
"Sure, where though?"
"You pick" He insisted as he grabbed some chewing gum off the shelf.
"Hmmm...take me to one of your favourite cafes"
"Okay" He grinned as we went to pay for our things.

And like that, Harry led us to one of his favourite cafes in London and we sat in a corner together. I let him choose my meal as I wasn't sure what was good and when it arrived I was pleased - he knew i fucking LOVED cheese and fries so he got me cheese fries along with a tuna sandwich and a glass of lemonade. All he got was a bowl of peas and a side salad which I teased him rotten about.

"You feeling okay?" He asked as I was downing my lemonade.
"Mhm" I replied as i swallowed. "You?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm good! What time should we head back to Brighton?"
"Uhh...i dunno really"
"Okay, how's...six?"
"Sounds good, yeah..wait, whats the plan again?" I panicked, worried Harry would get mad at me for forgetting.
But all he did was chuckle. "We can hang out a but then go back to mine and pack y' stuff. Then we can go down to Brighton"
"Okay...okay, cool"

We finished eating, paid and went on a little walk back to Harrys house which was quite far but we had time to kill.
"Zahra!" I heard a voice call as we walked down the streets of London. I immediately recognised the voice and my hands started shaking vigorously.
"Someones calling y' name love" Harry said to me before he noticed how anxious I looked. "Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"Zahra! Zahra, is that you!" My heart started beating out of my chest. I grabbed Harrys hand with my shaking one and pulled him into a side road, a confused expression on his face.

"Darling, I think you're having an anxiety attack" He spoke calmly.
"I-im fine I-i just...i uh...sorry..." I was not fine. My trauma was haunting me and I was freaking out. "No, i-im freaking out. Im freaking out, im freaking out"
"Love, you're okay. You're gonna be okay"
"Im freaking out. Oh my God... is he still there?"
"Zahra, its okay. He's not here. I need you to work with me here, okay?" He tilted my chin upwards, forcing me to stare into his enchanting emerald eyes as tears filled my eyes. "Breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Like this"

And like that, Harry guided me and after what felt like forever I was calm but I burst into tears.
"It's okay! Oh love dont worry you're okay!" He replied, giving me a hug.
"I-i don't know whats wrong with me, I'm sorry" I sobbed.
"Nothings wrong with you darling. You're just a human" He assured me in a soft tone.

We stood there for a while, me crying while Harry held me.
"C'mon, let's go back to mine. We hav about...four hours to kill. We can head back early if you want"
"Uh okay. Yeah cool" I sniffled, wiping my tears.
"You're okay, I gotchu" He put an arm round me and led me to the main road which sent me into a panic. "Yk what, lets go the back way. Or we can even bike there"

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