4: Giovanni

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"Primadonna girl" I sang softly as my bestie Electra Heart played. I'd just gotten ready into white wide leg jeans, a black cami top and an oversized brown hoodie. My hair was brushed and partially clipped back and i was also wearing my black platforms. My make up was done (eye liner, mascara, concealer and powder along with a little bit of blush) and i was all ready to go. I was too anxious to eat so i just drank a monster energy drink while getting ready.

I was lowkey worried as I was wearing a rainbow tote bag but I knew Brighton was an accepting area...I'm not even bi so why am I bothered!? Anyway, I got the bus to the right campus and went searching for the right place to go.

My first day at university. Unfucking believable.

Holy fucking shit this was actually a lecture hall. I didn't really know what to do so I just sat in a random place and hoped for the best. I noticed some people knew others and were talking away so I was quite stressed. I whipped my phone out of my pocket and looked through Twitter, pretending to not be anxious.

"Hi um can I sit here?" I looked up to see a girl wearing a brown hijab, blinking rapidly.
"Yeah if you want" I responded.
"Thank you. I'm Yasmine" she responded.
"I'm Zahra"
"Cool...so uh...you live in Brighton?"
"Yeah, I have accommodation. You?"
"No uh I've lived here for a few years"
"Oh cool. You like it?"
"Yeah, I guess. Where are you from?"
"No way!"
"It's not that exciting in all honesty"
"Londons so cool - I went when I was younger"
"It's just knife crime and drugs really...nothing fun"
"Have you been to Camden Town?"
"Oh yeah, that's fun. China Town too"
"I wanna go there soooo bad"

Thank goodness the teacher came in so I could shut up but what in the Pretty Little Liars!? He was handsome. He was wearing a fitted navy suit with a burgundy tie and had the most gorgeous golden quiff. His stunning blue eyes swivelled round the room at each of us and when they stopped on me my heart pounded. I gulped nervously as he stared deeply into my dark eyes...he was captivating.

"Morning everyone. My names Giovani and I'll be teaching you this course for the next few years"

Giovanni. It suited him well...look, I don't crush on teachers. Finding someone attractive is completely fine and well...he was definitely attractive. Today was just an ice breaker and we were going round the class and talking about our favourite books and a bit about ourselves. God, I hated speaking up in lessons. Giovanni went round the class one by one and soon it was my turn.

"My names...Zahra. I-i'm from London a-and my favorite book is My Policeman by Bethan Roberts and...I like to go to concerts and I-i really enjoy art too" I said shyly.
"What's My Policeman about? Sounds very intriguing" The blonde smiled fondly. My cheeks grew red as that grin appeared on his face. His smile was captivating. It could light up someones entire day!
"Its uh based in the 50s and sheds a light onto the hardship of being gay during that time period and the uh struggles the LGBT community had to go through to be who they are" I gulped.
"Enthralling. Thank you Zahra" My heart stopped when those words rolled off his tongue...the way he said my name was enchanting. I sat down awkwardly and looked down at my IPad shyly, my cheeks growing redder.

After the icebreaker, he talked about the course and what kind of books we'd be studying. I peered round the room to see many girls whispering and making gestures towards him...guess I wasn't the only simp in the room.

What in the wattpad was going on with me?

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