64; Zahra tells Niall

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I sat on the bench outside the station crying my eyes out. I didn't know what to do so of course I'd rang my favourite Irishman who had just arrived.

"What's happened love?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"Um i-um" I was sobbing too hard to even speak and I even rejected his hug.
"D'you wanna go to my car and talk there?" He offered.
"Um okay" I sniffled.

What if he does it to you?
He would never! He's always been there for you!
Giovanni did though...
But Nialls not him!

"You coming?" He noticed I'd zoned out and snapped his fingers in my face.
"Uh I-uh...can we...um..." I was so lost on what to do.
"Okay, we'll just...stay here" He sat next to me but kept his distance.
"Um...my...uh...he..." I didn't even know how to word it. How the fuck was I meant to tell him my teacher molested me??
"Has someone hurt you?" He asked. I nodded, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"In what way?"
"Um...he...uh...h-he..." Why couldn't I say it? What was stopping me? His reputation? His job?

My teacher sexually assaulted me I typed.
Nialls phone pinged and when he saw what I'd sent him, his eyes widened.
"The one you were with a few weeks ago!?" He asked. I nodded, sniffling as I did.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" He replied. "Do you need anything at all? Should I call someone for you?"
"I-i don't kn-now" I sobbed. "Ive only told you. I-i didn't know who to turn to"
"Well...d'you wanna report it maybe?"

Niall was educated as fuck.

"I don't know what to do Niall" I sniffled.
"What about I take you home and you have a quiet night in, okay? And if you want you can call a friend or something"
"I want Harry" I started sobbing again because Niall wore the same cologne as him.
"I can call him if you want"
"No! No, I-i don't wanna bother"
"I guarantee you he's sitting at home making pasta right this minuet"
"Still...we...we don't...i just can't!"
"Would you like a hug?"
"Um...yes please"

After Niall gave me a huge hug, he took me home. I was so lost on what to do but he respected my decision and promised to be here for me. We got in and i made him some tea before I changed my clothes. I took off my make up as it had run down my cheeks and was well and truly; a fucking mess.
"You feeling okay?" Niall asked when I returned.
"Uh a bit. I just...I-i don't know what to do really"
"It's okay. Talking about it helps. You're gonna be off uni soon, right?"
"Yeah. Easter holidays in a week. Gonna be away from that...cunt"
"Good. That's good" He chuckled.
"I-im sorry. I didn't know who to call"
"It's okay! Don't worry about it"
"I've met you probably three times and I call you to tell you I've been assaulted"
"And? I'm here for you. Not gonna judge y'"
"Thanks...uh...how's Harry?"
"Same as you really. Sad but trying"


"He'll be alright. Don't be hard on y'self, okay? He did fuck up, I'm not gonna put that aside"
"I think...he didn't know Harlow was going to tell him all that. I was more upset that...well now he knows all this stuff about me..."
"Im guessing you just needed space to think things through"
"Only took me two months" I muttered.
"Sometimes it takes that long"
"I hate my brain. Sorry, I'm ranting so much"
"No, don't be sorry. I hate my brain too sometimes. It is shit, isn't it?"
"It is...God..."
"You could go see someone about it"
"Not yet" I said quickly.
"How many times are you gonna say not yet? W-when are you gonna say "Today is the day""

He had a point.

"Everythings just shit. I miss Harry" I started snivelling again.
"Genuinely if you give him a call, I'm sure he'll answer and be open to talking to you"
"I just...not now. I need...to just breathe"
"I can go if you want"
"Uh...finish your tea first. I'm gonna have a nap. Thank you for coming"
"I'm here for you. I promise"
"Right back at you" We shared another hug before we sat on my sofa and sipped out tea

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