20: Breakup

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"Zahra, could you stay behind please?"

Yeah, I had caught up with my work thanks to a classmate messaging me to check in (shocked but not disappointed) and gracefully sending me their notes. But Giovanni probably wanted to know what happened - and Delilah and I weren't speaking so they couldn't tell him.

I watched as Giovanni closed the door after everyone filed out and stared deeply into my eyes. My cheeks grew red and my eyes swivelled to my muddy combat boots, feeling his footsteps walk over to his desk.
"How are you?"


I looked up nervously and fiddled with my hands anxiously. He...wanted to know if I was okay?
"Um I-i'm alright" I responded.
"You missed class yesterday"
"Yeah I uh...wasn't alright but...now I am"
"Mhm...I figured...what did Harry Styles think of that?" My eyes widened at his comment - holy fucking shit he knew. To be fair, I wasn't on Twitter right now I'm guessing there were pap photos everywhere. Oh God, Harry must be pissed off!
"The whole school knows. Social media is very powerful. Zahra, why did you skip school to spend time with him?"
"Well...I wasn't okay mentally in the morning and...my friend didn't really care so I-i contacted Harry and wanted him to come over but he was busy so...yeah...we're friends" I gulped.
"Oh I see. Well, we have a welfare service here incase your mental health isn't the best. I can however see you've caught up very well and performed excellently in class today. But please be honest and contact me next time this happens"
"I-i will. I'm sorry"
"It's completely fine...are you and Delilah not speaking to each other currently?"
"Yeah...she wasn't very understanding"
"Ah, what a shame. Well, enjoy the rest of your day. How are you finding Lolita?"
"Its...very...controversial" I gulped, causing him to chuckle.
"Have a good day and don't hesitate to speak to me whenever. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you"

I walked out of the room, my skirt swishing against my ankle and my cheeks tinted red. I spotted Delilah standing in a corner, anxiously watching me.
"What she did wasn't okay in the slightest. Your health matters so much and you deserve people who are going to uplift you and make you smile" Harrys angelic voice rang in my head. I teared my eyes away from Delilah and walked on. I'm going to go home and do my fucking homework and listen to a record.

I arrived home and started on my lunch before my phone rang - ah, it was Alex!
"Hii" I smiled as i put her on speaker.
"How come you never told me!?"
"I wanted to keep it on the D-L cause...well his fans are mean"
"Ohh shit. I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Thankfully they didn't find my Instagram so"
"Harry follows you though right? They'll find it eventually"
"Not my finsta. My names not on it"
"Clever you! Also, exams are over. You busy next week?"
"I have class all week but I have one or two afternoons off"
"Okay, this time next week we watch the new Stranger Things season?"
"You got it- Oh, I'm getting another call"
"Harry?" I knew she was grinning.
"Uh...yeah actually"
"Awww besties! I wanna go read anyway, see you soon bestie!"

Alex ended the call before I slid accept to see Harrys face on the screen.
"I'm literally five minutes from yours" He said.
"You're what?"
"Never mind, I'm here. Open the door" The call ended and I dashed to the door. I opened it to see Harry standing there holding a bunch of white tulips, his eyes red.
"D'you want to come in?" I asked him awkwardly.
"Uhm yes please" He stepped inside and I closed the door. He didn't look very happy so I grew concerned.
"Are you okay?" I locked the door timidly and gestured for him to sit down. He sat on the counter while I made him some tea as he explained.
"I uh...I came here to thank you. For...texting me the other day"
"Oh yeah of course. Bad day and all"
"Yeah but...I was having a bad day too. So that afternoon out was really needed"
"Oh, are you okay now though?"
"My boyfriend broke up with me" He blurted out.

Oh shit. He got broken up with yesterday.

"Harry" I sat on the counter with him and threw my arms round him.
"I'm fine" He wasn't. He looked so sad - his olive green eyes were glassy and his knuckles were bruised.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Um not yet. I just wanted to see you. And I uh got you these" He thrusted the Lillies in my direction and a small smile spread on my face.
"Aw, thank you" Whilst I put them in water, Harry drank his tea and watched me. "D'you want something to eat?"
"No, no I'm fine. I just...want company"
"Okay just give me a while to get comfortable. If you want we can watch something on Netflix"
"Sure, yeah I-i'll pick" I skipped to my room whilst Harry tapped away on my iPad.

I got into an oversized sweater and pyjama bottoms before unclipping my hair and letting it fall. I then took my time removing my eye make up with cotton pads and micellar water. I then tied a section of my short hair into a dumb little bun before leaving the room to see Harry was still choosing.
"What about we watch Brooklyn 99?"
"Hm?" He looked up before making space for me on the sofa.
"Brooklyn 99. Best show ever. Really funny and tons of representation"
"Ooh tell me more"
"Detective Jake Peralta is the funniest character walking this earth. His boss is a black gay cop who came out in the 50s or something who accomplished a lot. All satire really because ACAB, innit?"
"Well, I just ordered us food so I think we got ourselves a plan"
"Wh- you said you wasn't hungry!"
"I changed my mind! Now, wheres my hug? Could use one"

I didn't even hesitate. I threw my arms round the brunette who nuzzled his head into my neck.
"Thank you Zahra" He mumbled against my neck, his lips ticking my skin.
"You dont need to thank me. We're friends"

Scared Of Heights | Harry Edward StylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ