39: Drunk

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"How're you doing?"

It was the next day and I was hanging out with Lavender again - by that I meant we were drinking Pink Gin in the park.
"I'm okayish. Worried about Harry. You?"
"I'm amazing! What's up with Harry?"
"He's not good - the other week he was crying in my bathroom and when he got out he snapped at me. He said sorry though"
"Aw good. I'm sorry about that though, damn"
"It's fine, he made it up to me by buying me doughnuts and sunflowers"
"Awww...that's sweet of him. I hope he'll be alright"
"Me too. He doesn't really open up to me anymore which sucks but I would NEVER force him to"
"He probably feels really vulnerable right now but it's good that you're both looking after each other"
"Yeah...I just worry y'know. God, I'm so drunk"
"My partners picking me up, she can take you home too if you want"
"Sure, that'd be nice. Sorry about that"
"Aw, no need to be sorry love. I just want you home safe."

"I'll head back in 20 minuets, I have some homework to finish so...gotta sober up"
"What happens to you when you're drunk?"
"I dunno i either cry a lot, tell people i love them or  ramble. You?"
"Im heavyweight but usually i just give people cuddles or dance like a maniac" They chuckled. "Or I overshare. I'm just a bit tipsy though"
"Nice...nice..." I also got very tired.
"Here, let's head to yours and my partner can pick me up there"
"Mmmm okay. I'm gonna nap when I'm home"

We put our arms round each other and stumbled to my house after binning the cups and bottle. Lavender called their partner as soon as we got back to mine where I got into a random sweater and pyjama bottoms. I took off my make up and brushed down my short brown hair - i was drunk but i was determined!

"Zahra? You home?" Ah, Harry was home from London.
"Hiiii" I slurred as I walked over to him and hugged him. "How're youu?"
"Have you been drinking love?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"Mhmmm" I hummed.
"How're you feeling?"
"Tired. I wanna nap"
"C'mon, let's get you to bed" Harry carefully picked me up and carried me to my bed where he laid me down and tucked me in. "D'you want me to stay?"
"Mhm. I like seeing your face"
"Thank you love" He chuckled, sitting at the edge of my bed. "How much have you had?"
"Half a bottle of Pink Gin" i mumbled.
"Oh God" He sighed.
"Harry d'you ever want to leave?"
"In what way?" He asked, giving me his full attention.
"Go back to London"

Harry thought for a second. "I mean...I miss it a lot. But, I like being here too. The whole reason why I've been here for a month is so I can be here for you and that's turned into us being there for each other"
"You didn't answer my question bae"
"Ah, sorry love" He chuckled, remembering I was drunk. "Fifty fifty I guess"
"You don't need to stay here. I know I'm a lot"
"You're not. I like spending time with you. And I love Brighton - I needed time away from home. Of course I visit my family from time to tome though as I miss them all the time, even when I'm in London"
"You're lovely Harry" I smiled weak.
"I learnt from the best" He returned the smile as I dozed off and slipped into darkness

Of course I woke up crying because I had a massive headache and it was seven in the evening but Harry made me a nice dinner and took care of me bless him.
"Careful love! It's hot" He told me as I tried drinking my soup.
"I'm sorry for getting drunk" I sniffled.
"Oh, don't worry about it love. Nothing to be sorry about" He assured me.
"I don't know what I'm doing with my life" I sobbed.

Yeah, I was sober but sad.

"Hey darling listen to me" He cupped my cheeks with his warm palms and wiped my tears. "It'll be okay. I promise"
"I'm so tired...aren't you just...tired?"

"All the fucking time"

Scared Of Heights | Harry Edward StylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon