47: Morning Talk

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I awoke very late the next day to the smell of waffles. I rolled over and checked the time to see it was one o clock in the afternoon. I was so late for uni but for once I just didn't care.

"Good morning angel" I looked up to see Harry was showered and dressed, drinking an Americano.
"Hi" I croaked.
"How you feeling?" He sat at the edge of my bed and caressed my cheek.
"A bit shit. Less shit than yesterday though" I admitted.
"Well that's somewhat good. C'mon, out of bed"
"Not yet. Please?"
"Okay, but I'm bringing you breakfast. Or lunch...I dunno..."

Harry put a plate of mini waffles in front of me and I ate away whilst he brushed my hair and sang to me.
"You're such a simp" I told him.
"I know" He giggled, kissing the back of my neck gently. "Pretty girl"
I didn't reply. I didn't believe him.
"You ready?" I had eaten about three waffles and Harry had taken my plate back to the kitchen. I nodded but as i went to get out of bed he picked me up and my legs made their way round his waist.
"I can walk" I told him with a giggle.
"I know i just...i like holding you. Is that weird?" He blushed.
"No, not at all! Its sweet. You're sweet" I kissed his nose gently. He just smiled and made his way to the bathroom, holding me.

I sat in the shower for about 10 minuets, ,dried myself and got ready into one of his hoodies and some leggings. i took my time drying my hair too before I exited the bathroom to see Harry standing there on his phone. He looked up and saw my naked face and before taking my hand and guiding me back to my room which was tidy.
"Harry, you didn't have to" I said softly.
"I know. But you would have done the same for" He kissed my hand softly before we sat on the bed, him holding my hand. "Whats up then love?"

"Nothing" Big fucking lie. Wow, I really had trust issues.
"You little liar" He said playfully. "No but really love, whats up?"
"Sorry I have..."
"Trust issues?"
"Yeah...how did you know?"
"Sixth sense?" He joked. "No, it was just...obvious. Not in a rude way"
"It's not rude. You're clever"
"Thank you baby" he chuckled. "D'you wanna...write it down? Text me"
"Where's my phone?"
"You're sitting on it" I was such a dumbass. I got up and took my phone out from under my ass and went onto iMessage.
"Well then...here goes..." I began.
"Come here love" he pulled me onto his lap and let me lay there and type away while he played with my hair. God, I was in love. I was actually in love.

im never ok and i cannot open up and im scared a d have too much trauma lol yay

I pressed send and grabbed Harrys hand, kissing it gently multiple times. He used his other hand to grab his phone and read my message.
"I love you. You know I do" He sat me up and held me close. "I can't take away your pain or make it stop. But I can listen, learn and comfort you to the best of my abilities. Just like you've done for me on many occasians"

"I just wish someone understood" I said quietly.
"Listen to me you beautiful girl" He kissed my lips softly and held my cheeks with his hands. "
No one can even truly understand what you're going through as its your personal struggle. But I promise you I'm here"
"You don't need to" I said quietly.
"You would do it for me. I would do it for you. Because we're a team" He nudged our noses together which he knew made me giggle.
"I love you. A lot" I whispered.
"I love you too. What d'you wanna do now?"
"I dunno...hug you" I threw my around round his neck and buried my head into his neck.

We held each other for a while before pulling away.
"Can we go out?" I asked him. "Talk more maybe"
"Sure. D'you wanna eat out?"
"Uh sure..."
"C'mon, let's get you dressed" He set me on the bed and went to my wardrobe to find me some jeans.
"Can you get the big black ones?"
"The ones two sizes too big?"
"Okay. Ooh, you should wear your docs with it. They look good" He passed me my jeans and shoes and left the room so I could change and after that I winged out my eye liner and put a belt on my jeans.
"You look so cute" He smiled when he saw I'd done a bit of make up.
"Thank you my love" I blushed.

Harry and I walked down the streets holding hands in silence.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"I'm great love. Are you?" He replied.
"I'm a bit sad...I'll be fine though" I responded.
"You will, I pronise. Where d'you wanna eat?"
"Ummm...can we go Wagamamas?"
"Sure. Oh, it's right here" He opened the door for me and let me in first and followed me inside.

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