46: 3AM breakdown

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"Please pick up" I mumbled nervously.
"Hi baby!" Harrys sunny voice filled my ear as he answered the phone.
"Hi handsome. How are you?" I asked him.
"I am awesome! I went out for drinks with Niall and I just got home"
"Are you...drunk?"
"Tipsy. I was driving so I only had a few. Niall got pissed though! I'll send you videos later, it was so funny! How are you my pretty girl? Behaving yourself?" He slurred. "It's really late" Yeah no shit, it was three am.
"I had a bad day" I snivelled. "And i miss you"
"Oh baby talk to me. What's happened?"
"Can you please drink some orange juice?"
"I will whilst you tell me whats up" He replied.
"It just hasn't gone right. I-i didn't eat at all and Lavender got upset with me then my teacher shouted at me because I forgot my homework a-and...I just...I hate myself. I-i don't like how I look a-and I just...I dont want to leave my house ever again" I started sobbing really hard because what else could I do?
"Stay put love, I'm on my way" He told me.
"No, Harry please don't. You've been drinking"
"I had three! Look, I'll be fine okay?"
"You don't need to come, i-i know its late and i have uni tomorrow..."
"I'm already in my car on the way anyway"


"Harry its almost a two hour drive!"
"And you really think that's going to stop me? Love, you're clearly not okay. I'm not gonna just let you be alone at this time of night"
"You're more stubborn than I am, aren't you?"
"Surprise bitch" He replied cheekily.
"You're lucky I love you otherwise I'd yell!"
"You what?"

Oh my god I just told him I love him.

"I love you Harry" I sniffled.
"I love you too baby" He was smiling like an idiot, I knew he was. "You should get something to eat though"
"I...i don't want to" I mumbled.
"Baby, your body needs food. C'mon, maybe even some ice cream? Or...some strawberries?" He suggested.
"I...I really want a hug" I snivelled.
"You will get one I promise just please look after yourself. Have you had some water?"
"I-i will now" i told him as i went to the tap.
"I'm really proud of you darling. Small steps, okay? Are you cosy? What are you wearing?"
"Your jumper. And...my pyjamas shorts" I blushed.
"Lemme guess...the grey Gucci one?"

He knew that one was my favourite.

"Spot on" I giggled, taking a gulp of water.
"You look so cute in all my hoodies baby"
"No you"
"I look cute in all my hoodies?"
"Yeah and what about it?"
"I dunno...I mean I'm flattered. And I miss your face. Ugh how long left till I can see you?"
"I dunno, you're driving"
"True...I love youuuu"
"You absolute sap"
"Say it back! Pleaseeeee?"
"Are you five?"
"No, I'm just in love. Say it back!!!"
"I love you too Harry. A lot. Hey, did I ever tell you I have ADHD?"
"Never. When did you find out?"

We stayed on the phone for two hours straight talking till he made it to mine. The call suddenly ended and I was worried he'd hurt himself and started snivelling again (i was also on my period) but my front door opened and Harry stepped inside looking fucking beautiful. He was wearing white button up shirt (a few top buttons undone and his sleeved rolled up), black trousers and his favourite black boots. He took one look at my crying face before scooping me into his arms and holding me close. I sobbed harder, gripping onto him as my mascara stained his white shirt.

"I got you. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay" He whispered, kissing my head softly.
"I-i don't wanna feel anything anymore" I cried.
"Baby" He cupped my cheeks with his palms and stared into my eyes. "Don't give up on yourself"
"I don't have anything to live for"  That sentence definitely broke his heart but he knew my emotions were high right now.
"I promise you, everything will be okay" He kissed my chapped lips gently before wiping away my mascara stained tears. "I love you my beautiful girl"
"I love you too" I sniffled, our foreheads pressed together. "I'm sorry"
"You have nothing to be sorry for baby" He assured me.

After he helped me calm down, he picked me up and sat me on the counter.
"D'you want some noodles baby?" He asked as he searched my cupboards for some food as I hadn't eaten all day.
"No" I mumbled. I was fucking starving but I just didn't even have it in me to eat.
"Hmm...ooh what about some fruit? We got strawberries, watermelon, cherries...oh, I see what you've been up to!" He pretended to be disappointed as he got them all out of my fridge and washed them.
"I'm not hungry" I lied, using any excuse I could to just not eat.
"You dont even want one cherry? You love them"

Boy, get those fucking cherries away from me you're triggering me.

"Please no, I-i really don't want any cherries" I snivelled.
"Oh baby, it's okay! It's okay, don't cry my love"
"I'm sorry, I-i don't know whats wrong with me" i sobbed into his arms.
"Nothings wrong with you darling" He assured me. It was literally past 5AM and I was crying on him, what the fuck was even life. "Okay, let's get you to bed then yeah?"
"I feel sick" I sniffled. "Im sorry, I'm so sorry"
"It's okay love. You're okay" He didn't leave or get mad or stop comforting me. He stayed.

I managed to have a glass of orange juice in the end along with a muffin (he had one too) before Harry and I went to the bathroom where we brushed our teeth. I finally took off my make up whilst Harry took off everything except his boxers. I just ripped off his hoodie and put on his t shirt.
"You look very pretty" He whispered as I washed my face.
"Shut up" I dried my face and took his hand, pulling him out of the bathroom.
"Make me" He teased me.
"I'm sleepy" I mumbled as we made it back to my room which was...a fucking mess. "Oh god"
"It's fine. We'll tidy up tomorrow. C'mon, bed time" He turned off the lights before we got into my bed. His arms were round me, our faces inches apart. "D'you wanna talk tomorrow?"
"Okay" I replied. "Thank you for coming"
"I'd do anything for you baby. I love you"

"I love you too Harry. My handsome prince"

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