73: Harry fucking Styles

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a few years later

"Oooh nice ring Sage!" My co worker Emily grinned.
"Emily, you've been saying that everyday for a year" I snickered.

You heard right, Harry and I got engaged a year ago. He was taking a break from acting and music to spend more time with me at home. In the end I didn't get my own place - staying with him felt right so I did it. And I was now doing what I loved and being who I wanted to be.

My name was legally Sage and soon enough it would be Sage Styles. Alex had perfected my hair and it was now shorter. My friends respected my new set of pronouns (They/Them) and supported me to the max - and they were coming to see me later today. They'd all finished university finally but that didn't stop them from seeing me and keeping in touch. I was in touch with my parents of course but we weren't close - they needed therapy badly but they didn't bat an eye lash. I had it for a while but I quit soon enough as I knew how to handle my health better now.

And like always, Harry had stuck by me. We travelled the world, helped each other through hard times and communicated when needed. He also helped me quit smoking (I did have a juul when I needed it though). We truly were meant for each other and falling in love wasn't always so scary. It was...euphoric. And he was really supportive of my new job: I worked at this LGBT youth centre where disowned kids went because their parents were dickheads. Harry often visited at time and put on performances for everyone which was really sweet - but mostly he came to visit me and see how I was doing.

Like today.

"Heyyy!" He walked into my office holding a bunch of white lillies, smiling. "Happy two years"
"Thanks my love" I got up and hugged him before taking the flowers and putting them on my table. "How're you?"
"Really good. I've had such an amazing day. Mum misses you, as does Dusty" Harry's Mum and I were literally best friends - and Harry decided to not quit music but just step back when he needed to.
"I promise to go over soon. I gotta fill in forms for the new arrivals"
"Here, I'll walk you. Or...I can stay?"
"I'd love that baby" I took his hand and we headed to the main office. "I like it when you're here"

We arrived to the office and I filled in the forms before I gave them to the right people to take care of. I then had to ditch Harry for a bit to deal with something but as I looked for the keys to the back door, I heard him talking to someone.
"You're dating Sage?"
"Yeah! Well we're engaged now but I've been with her for two years"
"Aren't their pronouns they/them?"
"Yeah but they don't mind if I say she. She trusts me"
"Oh, aw. That's sweet" Harry caught me looking and just smiled. I flipped him off with a smile before I dashed out the back exit.

I returned to see Harry was trying to lend a hand but he clumsily failed and blushed as he dropped many things which I helped him with.
"I get off in ten minuets, go get my bag" I chuckled.
"Yes Miss" He ruffled my short hair and headed to my room. I smiled before I tidied up the mess he'd made and went to check on everyone in the main room. Right now they were all watching a movie so I crept out and saw Harry had returned with my bag.
"Thank you angel. Ready to go?" i asked him.
"Yup" He smiled, taking my hand.

We arrived home and i got cosy whilst Harry made us some snacks.
"You wanna have a nap baby? You look tired" He told me.
"Uh yeah probably soon. Or now...yeah now"
"I'll tuck you in m'love" Harry picked me up bridal style and made his way upstairs, not letting me go. And as he tucked me in, he hummed to himself before he sat next to me and played with my hair. "How are you Miss Styles?"
"Not Miss Styles yet sir" I chuckled.
"Soon to be Miss Styles" He corrected himself.
"Happy. You?"
"The same"
"Good. That's good. 'm going to sleep now"
"Sleep well baby. I love you. More than I planned to" Little bitch, I adore him.
"I love you t-"

I woke up to knocking on my front door. I fell out of bed with a thud and squealed in pain before I realised my hair was still long.

Was that...all a dream?

I got up and realised I was in my flat. Didn't I move out...with Harry...what was the date!? I grabbed my phone and saw it was...SEPTEMBER 2021!? WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON? I was also very late to uni...

The knocking on my door continued so I fluffed out my hair and headed to the door and opened it.

"Hi um sorry to bother but my car broke down..." I stopped listening when I realised who it was.

Harry fucking Styles.

Holy shit...

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