18: Filming

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"You a friend of Harrys?"

I was too busy drooling over Harrys performance to realise Emma Corrin was standing next to me.

"Yeah. Uh hi, I'm Zahra" I said shyly.
"Oh, you're Zahra! Harry mentioned you. Said you were a big fan" She shook my hand kindly, a smile on her face. Holy fucking shit she was HOT. I would beg her to step on me right now if I could, SHES STUNNING.
"He did, huh? What exactly has he said?"
"He said he had a lovely day out with you and that you organised a really cute indoor picnic. An hour ago he was smiling while texting and I jokingly said 'Texting Zahra?' and he started blushing" She chuckled fondly.
"Oh God the indoor picnic...yeah that ended pretty badly but it was still really fun"
"Yeah, he told me about the glass incident!"
"Shambles it was. But really funny" We both chuckled then saw Harry had to reshoot his scene. He spotted us giggling and gave us a wave to which we returned.

"So, I hear you're in university" Emma spoke.
"Oh yeah, yeah I-i go to Brighton"
"Ooh, do you like it there? What're you studying?"
"Its alright, I guess. I'm doing English Lit and Writing. Right now, we're studying Lolita"
"Wh-Oh. Well, that's..."
"Yeah me too" We both giggled before a tall man sidled over.
"Am I too late to intrude?" Ah, it was David. He was playing Harrys love interest.
"Not at all. This is Zahra, a friend of Harry"
"Pleasure to meet you Zahra" David and I shook hands before all our eyes turned to Harry who was waving at some children who were looking out the window.
"What a nerd" I said, causing Emma and David to laugh.
"He's lovely, Harry. Always happy and kind"
"Scary, I know" I responded, causing them both to snicker again.
"Talking about me?" Harry called, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Bold of you to assume everything's about you" I called back, causing Emma and David to laugh again while Harrys cheeks tinted red as a giggle escaped his mouth.

"You alright love?" Harry sidled over to me as David shot his scene and Emma had sauntered off.
"Yeah. It's...nice watching you work" I replied, a shy smile on my face.
"Well 'm glad I made you feel better"
"Oh also...I-i don't mind if you hug me o-or carry me. You don't need to ask - just...stop if I ask you too" I gabbled awkwardly.
"I'd like the same then please" He put his arm round me and I leaned on his slightly as we watched David.
"D'you wanna sit?" I asked him timidly.
"I'm gonna be back on soon anyway"
"Okay. Offers open though" I replied timidly, inhaling his musky scent. "You having fun?"
"Yeah, lots of fun! It's nice, y'know? Emma and I go way back so it's good to be able to joke with friends while doing what I love"
"If you're happy doing what you're doing, no one can tell you you're unsuccessful"
"Exactly" He chuckled, smiling at me.

"Harry, stop flirting with Zahra and get over here!" David called. Harry snickered and let go of me, dashing onto the main set.
"I'm not flirting thank you very much!" He replied playfully. I scoffed at his reaction before going onto Twitter to see Harry Styles and HARRYS GIRLFRIEND trending...oh for fuck sake.



harrys cheating on me i stg this man



Oh my God...yeah this wasn't ideal because now I has over nine thousand followers and was being spammed with tweets. I looked up at Harry to see he was in character so I couldn't exactly tell him...God, some people were fucking rude.

Stay away from Harry you ugly Asian!

He has a fucking girlfriend you horrible bitch!

If you're dating Harry please just choke and die!

I was awful at dealing with hate comments. Growing up I faced this kind of discrimination and hatred for no apparent reason and just blocked it out. But I knew this was going to be different...I'm friends with Harry Styles so of course this was going to happen and I couldn't control it.

@savageszahra: i'm not dating harry styles pls stop being so unkind :/ just bc im a girl doesn't mean im dating him-

I swiped off Twitter and deleted the app before letting out a sigh. Harry doesn't need to know about this - it isn't a big deal. We've only been friends for a month or two so it didn't seem important.

"And cut! That's all for today H!" Harry had finished for the day and jogged off to get ready. He returned a few minuets later in comfortable clothes and his bag. He spotted me looking anxious and gestured me over.
"You ready to go love?" He asked. 
"Uh yeah sure!" I got up and picked up my bag and scampered over to Harry who was saying goodbye to everyone. I waved awkwardly and just followed Harry who was holding my wrist gently to ensure I didn't get lost as...there was a crowd. Who were screaming their fucking heads off for his attention.

"Oh my God!"

Harry looked up in anger when he heard those two words and scanned the crows to find who said that terrible thing.
"Harry, let's go" I had tears in my eyes and had gone quiet. He sensed my tone and took a deep breathe before he helped me into the car that had come and followed me in. I blinked back my tears as the car door shut and the driver began the journey.
"Please can we just forget about it?" I pleaded him, sadness in my eyes. Harry looked upset but he didn't want to argue - and he knew it wasn't his place to speak over me.
"Okay" His arm went round me as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry"

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