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Zak was in Ohio doing an investigation while they're doing some interviews Zak stops and goes over to a bush. Aaron walks over to see Zak throwing up. "Hey, you all right" giving him some water. "It's strange I was doing that interview when this feeling of nauseous hit so hard that I could feel it coming up that's why I walked-Not again". Zak walked over again to throw up but when he got back to Aaron, he felt dizzy to the point where everything was spinning.

"What is going on with me" Zak muttered. "I think I'll take you back to the hotel"Aaron suggested. "Yeah". While they were driving Zak was talking to Aaron who was driving when Zak's eyes rolled up into his head and started to seize. "ZAK!!!"he yelled as Aaron pulled over. After the seizure stopped Aaron called 911. "Stay with me Zak" as Zak sat there. In Las Vegas Rachel was putting her kids to bed when the phone rang. "Hello hey Jay my mother is in California with some of her friends what's wrong. Oh my god let me see if my neighbor will watch the kids and I'll be there asap" and hung up.

At the hospital the doctor was checking Zak over as Aaron walked over to Jay. "Did you get a hold of his mother?". "She's in California with some of her girlfriends but I got a hold of Rachel she's on her way" Jay replied. The doctor walked over and asked if someone was coming. "Yeah, his sister what's going on?". "We don't know yet we sent your friend up for a CT scan" he replied.

When Rachel arrived, Billy met her. "How's Zak?" she asked. "The doctor won't tell us anything since we're not blood relatives"Billy remarked. They got to the hospital she saw Zak unconscious. "Oh, Zak what's going on with you?" as she touched her brother's face. "Are you, his sister?" the doctor asked walking in.  "Yes, what's going on with my brother?" as the guys walked over. "We should talk about this privately" as the doctor jested to the guys.

"Look doc these guys are family to me and Zak so what's wrong with him". "Your brother's gallbladder exploded there's bile leaking into his body we need to get him into surgery but-".  "What?" Billy asked. "We don't have your brother's blood type". "If you asked these guys, you would know Aaron and Billy match my brother and so, do I since I'm his twin"she replied.

When Zak finally woke up, he saw Jay and Rachel. Jay went to get the doctor as Rachel walked over. "What happened?" he asked softly. "Your gallbladder ruptured with bile leaking into your body". "How did you find out?". "Jay called me" she remarked. The doctor came in and looked over Zak.

"Well, it looks like the surgery worked and, in a few days, I want you to go home to convulse" the doctor replied. "But I have work to do" Zak said.  "Zak Aaron talked to the producers they're putting Ghost Adventures on hold until you're better so when you are discharged, we're going to my home so you can heal no argument about it" she replied as the doctor snickered.

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