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You're a judge on the show THE MASK SINGER a character that reminds you of a skeleton from The Haunted Mansion in Florida is performing. The skeleton starts to sing a Johnny Cash song which makes you think of your boyfriend Zak Bagans.  As the show goes on the skeleton is cemented into your mind.  In the panel they make their guesses when they get to you.

"So Y/N do you have any guesses on who the skeleton is?" Nick Cannon asked.  "I know this may sound weird but with some of the reveals we've had through the seasons I think weird should be apart of the show," as everyone laughs.  "In that case I'm guessing Ghost Adventures lead investigator Zak Bagans" you replied.  "Do you have your boyfriend on your brain girl" Robin Thicke said as you laugh.

"I've heard your boyfriend sing I don't think it's him" Jenny stated.  "I think if her boyfriend was on this show he'd probably be a ghost" Ken remarked as they all laugh including the skeleton. Near the end of the show it was revealed that the skeleton is about to unmasked.  "Y/N the skeleton wants you to help reveal him or her" Nick replied.  

"This is a first" Nicole stated as you go over as the crowd starts to chant TAKE IT OFF.  When the head comes off you nearly faint when it's revealed that you were right it's Zak.  Everyone on the panel are speechless. "What do you think panel are you in shock as Y/N" Nick stated.  "I have a question Y/N did you know your boyfriend was on this show?" Robin asked.  "No I told nobody about this" Zak replied.  "So Y/N what made you think it was your boyfriend".  "I don't know as I listened to him it just got cemented in my head that it was Zak but I never thought I was right" you replied. 

 A couple of days passed and Zak was doing some work when Aaron came in acting like he was singing with a sheet on him acting like a ghost.  Zak threw a pen at him.  "What can't take a joke" as Aaron took off the sheet.  "It isn't funny and how did you find out?"Zak inquired.  "My fiancé watches it but I have to say you weren't bad top ten not bad". 

"I was hoping I kept on untill Y/N came on I really wanted to surprise her"Zak remarked.  "Well you surprised everyone including us Zak," Aaron said.  "So when's your debut album going to be release".  Zak got up and started to run after Aaron.

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