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You're walking your dog as you hear your neighbor call you.  "Hi Nancy what can I do for you?" coming up the driveway.  "Can you do me a favor can you walk my son's dog I need to run an errand and she needs to get out".  "Give Tiny someone to play with since some people have giving Pit Bulls a bad reputation". 

"Gracie come here baby".  She came out with her leash in her mouth which made them all laugh. "Your son picked a pretty dog" patting Gracie.  "You could say Gracie picked my son" she replied.  "Come on let's go you two" and left.  At the dog park Gracie and Tiny were having fun together.  "All right Gracie your turn" as you throw the ball.  Gracie was coming back when a dog came over and growled at her.  "Gracie come here sweetie" but the dog wouldn't back down.

The dog started to charge at Gracie but Tiny got infront of Gracie and growled at the other dog.  The other dog left as Tiny and Gracie came back to you.  "Good job Tiny" as you patted him and Gracie put her paw on his.  Then a voice called out Gracie and she went running as a man with glasses kneeled down as she licked him like ice cream. "You must be Gracie's owner" shaking his hand. 

"I saw what your dog did for Gracie and I'm great full"he remarked.  "Tiny is a good protector to humans and dogs" as Tiny licked you.  "I have no where to be want to take the dogs for a walk" Zak remarked.  "Sure and by the way my name is y/n" you stated.  "Zak come on Gracie" and you guys start to walk the dogs and when you get back Zak asks you on a date which you accept.

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