Chapter 5

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"Alright!" Miss. Melony smiled, clasping her hands together.

Its been a few weeks since you've been attending this school and it has been going fine so far.

You aren't so close with Ashers friends as you want to be just yet but they've warmed up to you.

Ethan, Rocky, and Sophia especially.

Those three are so excepting and kind to you.

Logan may be a bit too nice but it's sweet he's making an effort.

The ones who still gave some walls up are Alex and Nico.

Alex seems to goof around with you a whole lot but you can tell they don't trust you just yet.

You don't know why but you can just tell. Nico doesn't speak. You've seen him quietly talking with either Asher or his sister but not you.

He just smiles and walks away. Your not sure what he's about, but maybe you'll get to know him a little more.

Miss. Melony on the other hand is very kind.

You asked Asher and he says shes been his teacher since a class called 'Kindergarden' after him, Rocky, Alex, and Ethan yelled and cried at the principal to let them be their teacher for another class called 1st grade and so on.

The entire class seems very attached to her. Shes like a second Mom to everyone. She doesn't even get mad at you for not knowing much about school.

She helps you!

"Does everyone understand the project?" A chorus of 'Yes' was yelled put throughout the class.

"[Y/N]? You understand, don't you? I don't mind explaining again if you don't...[Y/N]?" You were distracted again.

You stared out the window as a bird landed on the cill of it. Your tail wagged at the fascinating creature. You felt a nudge and turned to Asher.

You looked at Miss. Melony who was giving you a kind and patient smile.

"Uhm! Yes, I understand! Sorry!" You apologized.

The class giggled at your late response making you slump in your seat in embarrassment.


"That was embarressing..." You sighed, swinging on the swing. Asher was pushing.

Well, more so just kicking the swing with his foot while reading a book.

"It wasn't that bad! Your still getting used to things! Miss. Melony would never judge you for that!" Ethan smiled.

Logan suddenly came back to you three panting and held out small flowers he had found.

"I got these for you [Y/N]! Do you like them?" You stared at the flowers as Asher slowly stopped pushing you on the swing.

"Well--" "Logan. Your creeping her out again." Rocky smirked. Alex came up behind her and sighed.

"What!? N-No I'm not! I'm just giving her flowers!" "And your doing this why?" Alex questioned.

"...B-Because I can...And--" "Because you love her~?" "Stop itttt!" Logan whined.

"I think your attempt is nice Logan!" Sophia consoled. "Thanks Sophia..."

"Just don't be weird about it." Alex commented. Nico nodded. "You guys are mean!" He pouted.

As Alex and Rocky tease Logan Asher tried to get them to stop with Sophia trying to calm him down and Nico sitting back sweating nervously.

Ethan was just playing with your tail.

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