Chapter 11

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You woke up lots of voices, now.

Aphmau and Aaron had decided to leave you alone after you refused to come out from under the bed. As much as they didn't want to in such a dire time.

You were insistent and scared. So they did.

Your stomach was growling painfully.

And loudly.

But you were scared to come out.

Something might happen.

The bad man Lucinda was talking about might get to you. Hiding was safe, for now.

But you'd rather be home with your friends and family.

Not here.

Where you're constantly in danger. You wanted to cry. But making noise is bad too.

You slowly creeped out from under the bed, rubbing your runny nose until it stopped. Then you saw it.

The door...was closed now? How...why? Did Aaron close it? Maybe.

Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.


You scurried back under the bed, nose twitching the same as your ears. You watched as the footsteps entered the room, the smell of them entering your nose.

You felt yourself relax at the scent. But only a little bit.


It was just Aaron, Y/n...

"...Y/n? Are you still in here?" He called. "...Yes." You whispeared. Aaron let out a sigh of relief almost, as he got down on his knees and bent down to see you. He smiled at you.

"What's up?" "..why're you here." "Me and your mom are worried." "I'm fine."

...The silence was tense.

"...Hey, Y/n. You said hiding is safer, didn't you? When me and Aph tried to get you to come with us." "..yeah.." "Can you tell me why you think that, sweetpea?"

"...before I met you and Aphmau...Some stuff happened."

Bad stuff you never wanted to talk about.

What happened comes and goes sometimes.

There are days where you have no idea what happened.

Then there are days, like this one, where stress takes over. And a fuzzy picture or mixed up words of everything explaining what happened pops up in your mind.

You only discussed it with Aphmau once.

And even then she had no idea what you were talking about. It's like you didn't even know what you were talking about.

It left you awake for an entire night in her arms.

Granted, it was awhile ago.

But still.

"Do you want to talk about that stuff? If you're..ready? I know Aphmau said this was a touchy subject." You avoided Aarons gaze for just a little bit before a shakey sigh left your lips.

"..Its all a bit fuzzy sometimes. I do remember that I got chased a lot. I can never remember why. It makes my head hurt. I..I don't want to be chased anymore. And-And get hurt again. I'm scared. Hiding was always how I survived. Its what I know how to do. It's all I know how to do..."

Aarons looked as if he was in pain.

He always forgets that before you got all the things you did and receieved all the love you so rightly deserved, you had to survive out in the world all on your own and go threw things you may never want to talk about.

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