Teen Beach Damianette

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I don't own anything credit goes to Teen Beach Movie crew and cast, the creators of the DC universe and Miraculous ladybug

I have been thinking on doing this one for a while hope you like it and it involves seeing it in your head a lot. I couldn't see them doing the routine from the movie. So I scrapped it and did one that I could see them in.

"Damian we need to get out hear if you hadn't notice we are becoming apart of the storyline." Marinette snarled at him with a glare. who was wearing a black tanktop wit

"Tt how is it my fault we are trap here?" Samson demanded ad he followed her.

"Oh I don't know how about learn not to take every challenge your brothers give you! Or use that big brain your always bragging about. I came here to get away from bullies and people who think their above me. But ever since I got to Gotham you have been nothing but cold and awful to me." Marinette said spinning around yelling at him with pushing her finger into his chest.

"Your a harlot trying to get my father's money so yeah I don't trust you I will treat you that way until you learn that you can't take my father's money." Marinette growled at him before grabbing a fist full of his shirt nad yaking it down so they were eye level.

"You listen hear spoiled brat. I am not after your money or your father's money your families business. All I want is to be treated as an equal. But thanks to your big ego and not knowing how to ignore your brothers taunts you have trapped us in a world where we could cease to exist if we don't get the two love birds together. So grow up and help me now!" She said before storming off. Damian chased after but then he growled in frustration. His body along with Marinette started and their voices started to act as if they had a mind of their own.

(Imagine the song up top is the one they are singing. And that they are on a beach in the clothes up top. The video ends when they stop dancing and they never talk to each other while dancing since they are singing)

When they stop Marinette storms off anger while also blushing not liking how her feelings for Damian were getting stronger. Damian stood rooted to the spot shocked at what happened. He didn't even notice his face was as red as his brother Tim Drake suit. Or the two villains sneaking up on them. He growled before storming after her when he reached her he grabbed her arm stopping her from walking any further. She ripped her arm free spinning around glaring at him.

"You don't think I know that Dupain!" Damian growled leaning down so their eyes were at the same level. Marinette hardened her glare before speaking.

"I think that your mother made you so thick headed so that when things you can't control come up you ignore and dismiss them. Which means eliminate them. You have never met your father if it wasn't for Slade. So push your ego to the side and help me now." she said storming off again. Bu this time she got hit by the weapon one of the villain's had. Damian seeing this ran forward to help her while also trying to take them down.

Damianette one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now